Chapter 341-350

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Chapter 341 339. Collective
  "Then you just concluded the negotiation like this?" Yun Xiaoqian looked at Yun Liping with wide eyes, "You guys are so fast." "What else should I do? Keep dragging it every day, and then every day

  Being urged to get married?" Yun Liping may have felt a little impulsive yesterday, but after a whole morning, she still felt that she had made the right choice.

  This not only solves the nagging of my parents, but I won't always feel so confused about the future. At least there will be someone to discuss with each other in the future.

  As for emotional matters, they can be cultivated slowly. If you really can't cultivate them, you will just have to make do with them for the rest of your life.

  "You guys are so fast! When I heard the news this morning, I thought it was a little unbelievable. I even thought that the news my mother got was a prank by someone else." Yun Qi really had this feeling in his heart at that time, and felt that it was a bit unreal.

  "At that time, I thought it was your Queen Mother who decided it for you privately, but I didn't expect there was an inside story." Yun Xiaoqian also agreed.

  "Have you decided on your wedding date? There seems to be no good time now. Will you hold a group wedding together?" Liu Yuqing looked at Yun Liping curiously.

  "What kind of collective wedding? Should our village organize such an event?" Yun Liping really didn't have this concept. Before, she thought it was completed when the two families had a meal together. After all, this was how most things were done in the village before. .

  "Yesterday, a few people found my second grandpa and his friends. They seemed to want to get together to hold a wedding. They said it would be fun." Liu Yuqing told everyone the news she heard at the second grandpa's house yesterday.

  When Yun Qi heard this, he immediately thought that Grandpa Er called Brother Cheng over in the morning, and that was probably what happened.

  "It would be great to have a group wedding! You guys should hurry up and look for it. Then we can all hold the wedding together on the same day. That would be perfect." Yun Liping thought of that scene and began to encourage a few little sisters.

  "Now that you've made up your mind, it won't be easy after you say it. Most of our people are from our own family, and there are only a few from other villages. You can only pick a few here and there. My dad said, if it doesn't work, just Let me recruit someone from another village." Yun Xiaoqian also had a headache when she thought of this.

  "Didn't someone propose marriage to your dad yesterday? What happened next?" Yun Liping thought of the reason why Yun Xiaoqian avoided going out yesterday, and started to inquire.

  "I really hope he succeeds, at least I will have a companion when I get old in the future, but when I went back yesterday, my dad clearly told me that he has no intention of looking for him again. Now he just pointed me to find someone to go home with. Just like you, someone can take care of him in his old age." Yun Xiaoqian sighed, feeling that the pressure on himself was even greater.

  "I found that the only daughter of our Yun family is basically here. We really flock together like birds of a feather." Only now did Yun Qi realize that everyone is the same.

  "We can actually set up a sister alliance. Let's treat each other as real sisters. In the future, we can help each other and share the common joy." Yun Xiaoqian resonated with everyone as soon as she finished speaking


  "This is a good idea. Although we have no brothers to rely on, in the future we sisters will be more reliable than others when we unite." Yun Liping responded immediately.

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