Chapter 251-260

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Chapter 251 249. When the bags
  arrived at the end, Ma Tao’s batch of bags were all contracted by Pinghe Village. After everyone has tallied up the orders in their hands, they can carry their things to the back and exchange them directly for supplies.

  "It's so late, and I feel like time passes very quickly inside." As soon as I came out of the house, I looked at the time and felt like there was something I hadn't changed yet.

  "Go back and rest quickly. We will return to the village early tomorrow morning." Sicheng reminded everyone when he saw everyone gathered around and discussing what to exchange.

  Maybe it was because they were too excited to exchange things there just now. Even though many people arrived at their campsite, they couldn't sleep.

  "It's better to work on these bags at night so that they can be used tomorrow." Some villagers couldn't sleep, so they simply walked under the incandescent lamp and started to modify the bags in their hands. Many people saw it and followed suit. A small circle soon formed.

  "It's much easier now that I don't have to carry such a big bag here and there directly on my back. You know, all this time, I have been afraid that the bag on my back will suddenly collapse, and it will happen every now and then." Check it out."

  "You said such a good bag, how could those people not want it? This is simply cheap for us." "Maybe I think

  these bags are just packaging bags and have little use. And maybe I want to see what others will do. It won't be given to them for free. After all, it needs to be exchanged for materials."

  "Where can there be free gifts now? Even a grain of rice is precious, but it's good that they are dealing with it now. Now that it's solved To solve our problem, we can also resettle those refugees."

  Everyone sat around and chatted while modifying the bags. Originally it was the middle-aged women who did these things, but soon the young people also joined in. Help out and listen quietly to their chat.

  "Then the Wu family in our village is also a refugee. They should be able to come and apply for a batch of supplies." Some people thought of the Wu family who had just moved to the village, and this time they did not follow the large team to the county seat.

  "Do you think you can get those things for free? It is said that you have to write an IOU and there is a time limit for return." "Yes, and there are several comrades like Acheng in the village who will help them more or less. If they have difficulties, they can help them.

  " It would be better to go directly to Acheng and the others."

  "The Wu family are all strong laborers, and when they arrived in our village, they all arrived in small bags. It must not have been such a difficult time. Even refugees have to be sorted. ."

  Yun Qi and a few other young people gathered together and listened quietly to the chat without interrupting.

  "So at this time, we can see the advantage of having a strong and strong family. Large families like theirs are rare nowadays. With their tall and strong appearance, no one will easily provoke them."

  "It is said that there are still some unmarried people there. If there are girls of the right age in our village, we must be careful and don't get rid of cheap outsiders." "We have just arrived here, so we will definitely need to observe them for a while, but their family is still there

  . He is really a good worker. In this short period of time, not only the land was dug out, but the house was also slowly built." "It would be better if you can marry in

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