Chapter 331-340

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Chapter 331 329. Dark
  Sicheng saw that he had provided a solution, but the other party was still hesitant and could not speak too clearly.

  Fortunately, there were too many people exchanging medicinal materials during this period. Everyone knew the inventory well and calculated everything at once and handed it over to the people of Gaojiacun.

  Gao Liang also narrowly arrived at the entrance of Gaojia Village when he was about to leave. At this time, he was covered with things given to him by his aunt and sister.

  "I said that every time you go to Pinghe Village, it's like you're in the autumn wind." As soon as he left the village, someone started teasing Gao Liang.

  "I can't help it. The relatives at home are so enthusiastic. You can't even envy them." "

  This kid is still full of energy. At that time, you should sign up to come to Pinghe Village to learn medical skills. It's you here again. Cousin, this is your brother-in-law again. You are still not as comfortable as a fish in water here." "

  No, my head gets dizzy when I read a book. It makes me remember so many medical principles and various diseases. It's scary to think about it. I still just Suitable for manual labor." At that time, many people advised him to try to learn medical skills from his brother-in-law, but he took a second look at the medical book from his sister and felt completely confused.

  "We should have asked your boy to persuade your cousin just now to see if he could help us negotiate a peace." When the representative of Gaojiacun saw Gao Liang, he remembered why he had not asked Gao Liang to be a lobbyist before.

  "Then you are mistaken. If my cousin agrees, he doesn't have to look at anyone's face. On the contrary, he has principles for many things. Just like the last time we went to change salt together, he treated our family the same way. Just like everyone else." Gao

  Liang had already thought of this trick, so he tried to minimize his presence on the way here, and fled as soon as he entered Pinghe Village.

  I don’t know if his words had any effect, and no one continued to embarrass him with this issue along the way.

  Yun Xun waited until the people in Gaojia Village had gone far away, then turned to ask Sicheng, "Brother, have you not finished the method you mentioned before?" Sicheng patted him on the shoulder, "There are some things that are not suitable for us to explain too clearly.

  , if they want to be ruthless to avoid future troubles, they will adopt that method."

  Yun Xun still felt that the method Cheng Ge proposed before had many loopholes, let alone avoiding future troubles.

  "You are still too young. Only when you go out and learn more can you grow up." Wu Tianxiang rubbed Yun Xun's head. As soon as he started to use it, he felt that the newly shaved head was a bit prickly, and he immediately let go.

  "Brother Angkor, I still don't understand." Yun Xun felt that if he didn't figure this out today, he might not be able to eat tonight.

  "Didn't your brother say it before? As long as they are willing to be ruthless, it is up to them to figure out what is considered ruthless." The words have made it so clear. If Yun Xun still doesn't understand, what will happen? There is no way.

  Seeing Yun Xun, he stood there blankly as if he had thought of something.

  "Now he understands, but he is still too young and doesn't know that there are many dark sides in this world. If these people don't scare them, they won't be able to suppress them in this situation." Wu Tianxiang felt that here It is best to let everyone understand the situation clearly at this time. In extraordinary times, extraordinary means must be used.

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