Chapter 231-240

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Chapter 231 229. Agree.
  Mother Yun also slowly walked back with Junjun. She felt that the personalities of the two children should be exchanged. Sometimes, when taking Junjun with her, she felt like she was bringing her granddaughter.

  As soon as we entered the courtyard, everyone was inevitably introduced again.

  "Then you guys chat here. Your mother and I will go to the backyard to get some vegetables and order some noodles for you first. You haven't eaten yet, right?" Yun Zhiming glanced at Sicheng.

  Only then did Sicheng react, "See, I was just happy and forgot about this. It's all my parents' hard work." When the two old people went to the backyard, Sicheng held a child in each hand and said, "Come on, Junjun and Lele will

  follow Uncle Wu, say hello to Uncle Wu."

  "Hello, Uncle Wu! Hello, Uncle Wu!" Junjun and Lele said hello obediently.

  "You're so good. These are your twins. It's like meeting a real person. When I heard about the twins you gave birth to, my wife was so jealous." Angkor touched their little heads and put his hand on them. He reached into his pocket and took out two small daggers.

  "This is a gift from your uncle, but you can't use it yet. Can you let dad keep it for you?" "

  Can you let mom keep it?" Junjun looked at his dad and asked.

  Angkor knelt down and touched Junjun's head and asked him, "Why don't you let dad keep it for you instead of letting mom keep it?" "Dad is often not

  at home, so if I want to use it in the future, I won't be able to get it. "

  You brat, I'll hand them over to your mother later." Sicheng walked into the room holding hands one by one.

  "Brother Ang, I'm so sorry before. I forgot that you guys haven't eaten yet." Sicheng opened the cabinet next to the table and took out a pot of mung bean cakes. These cakes were made by Yunqi at home these days. "Use these to fill your stomach first, and the noodles will be ready later."

  "Eat it, you're welcome here." Angkor stuffed one into each brother's hand, and took a bite of one himself. Anyway, what's next Everyone owes a favor, so it is better to owe enough and find an opportunity to pay it back in the future.

  "Kor Angkor, it's really you! We were still talking about you a few days ago." The voice had already arrived before the monkey man arrived.

  "I just heard you talking, come here quickly and let you take a look." When Angkor saw the two of them coming in, he couldn't hide the smile in his eyes.

  Seeing how enthusiastic they were chatting, Yun Qi went around to the back to prepare the meal.

  "You just happened to be back. Hurry up and bring these noodles in. I'll make some stir-fry." Mother Yun asked her daughter to help when she saw her coming in. There was a large bowl full of egg noodles with some chopped green onion sprinkled on top. It's very appetizing.

  "Where's my dad?" Yun Qi asked casually without seeing his dad.

  "He went to the backyard to catch chickens. It's rare for a friend to come over in Acheng, so I have to greet him better. After you bring the noodles in, go to the small pond and catch two big grass carps." Many people in Pinghe Village said They all dig a small pond next to the reservoir, which is usually used to raise some fish.

  "I know, I find that you are treating Brother Cheng better now. Sometimes you feel that he is your son." Yun Qi acted coquettishly at Yun's mother.

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