Chapter 201-210

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Chapter 201 199. The people in the apology
  village also wanted to teach these people a profound lesson, so they followed Sicheng and the others. Soon, their families gathered together the amount of food they had negotiated before, and added an extra portion for each person. The gift is regarded as compensation to them.

  Seeing Gao Shitou and the others tying all the grain onto the back of the cow, Sicheng let go of the stick in his hand, and the dozen or so people who were pinned underneath stood up with the help of his family.

  Village Chief Cen took a deep look at Sicheng. Little people like them had a way of survival. Seeing the aura of the other party, he knew that these little bastards in his village were in trouble, and they just happened to be in trouble. Teach them a lesson and save them from being confused all day long.

  "Don't know where you are from?" Seeing that the matter was settled, Village Chief Cen finally got closer.

  "We are Pinghe Village in X County. If we don't have enough food at home, let's bring some salt out and exchange for some food." Wu Yong responded to each sentence truthfully.

  Village Chief Cen didn't believe his rhetoric. At first glance, these people didn't look like they were in need of food.

  If Sicheng helped tie things up, he would also tie them up.

  "How is the harvest here now? Is the water supply still sufficient?"

  Speaking of this, Village Chief Cen couldn't help but sigh. "There is no sun now, and the crops are not growing very much, so the harvest will naturally not grow. It is good to be able to keep the seeds. Now the village is living on some of the previous grain reserves, otherwise these boys would not be able to do this. I'm so bold and want to trick you."

  Village Chief Cen was crying about being poor, but he forgot that these people in front of him also came from the village, and they all knew how much harvest they could get from the crop fields.

  "This is not an excuse for them to do bad things. Fortunately, they met us this time. If it were others, they would have done everything for you." Sicheng did not agree with this statement at all. He could not fight just because his food harvest was poor. It's someone else's idea. "What's more, you have a lot of mountains to back up. You should have a lot of wild vegetables and mushrooms in the mountains. These are enough to make up for it." "By the way, does your village still have a lot of salt now? If there is extra

  , Can you give us some more in exchange?" Although I thought that those dozen families gave a lot of blood and compensated them with so many supplies, in return, we also got a batch of edible salt, which are now necessities, not to mention A lot of salt in the village is in short supply, so thinking about it, they will not suffer any loss.

  "There is no way to exchange it for you at the moment. We brought this salt back from the next province after more than two months of walking. The road was full of dangers." Wu Yong and the others who were close to him all knew what Sicheng was thinking, and they were also very concerned about it. Agree. From the fact that they were able to successfully exchange salt for supplies this time, they knew that this matter was still profitable.

  "It takes so long to walk? Can you tell me where it is?" Village Chief Cen thought that if the journey was easy, he could organize people in his village to exchange a batch of salt.

  "There is a salt well in the S province next door. It takes more than two months to prepare for the round trip, and they need supplies to exchange." Sicheng is not afraid to tell the other party all this. If they have the perseverance, they can make the trip themselves. also.

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