Chapter 441-450

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Chapter 441 439. Kindness
  Since the drought, people have often been attacked by animals. In order to clean the wounds, each village has also begun to make its own handmade soap, so cleaning the wounds is not as difficult as before.

  "Don't be afraid of pain, open the wound and clean it vigorously." Yunnan Yao would emphasize it again and again every time he walked to a villager who was dealing with a wound, for fear that everyone would be unable to bear the pain and just deal with it.

  "Yes, if you are bleeding, you must squeeze out some blood to reduce the chance of getting rabies." Yunqi brought the uninjured villagers from Pinghe Village to help.

  Except for a few wounds that were bitten by wild wolves, most of the others were minor scratches.

  This was also due to the fact that during this period, everyone worked together to hunt prey. It was the cooperation of several people and they did not fight against a wild wolf alone, so there were no serious casualties.

  After they treated the wounds, Dr. Xia also used the high-quality alcohol and catgut she extracted to disinfect and stitch the large wounds.

  The wounds were being cleaned in an orderly manner, and Sicheng also led people to check all the wild wolves to avoid the state of suspended animation.

  Yun Qiao also took his friends and curiously counted the number of wild wolves.

  "Two hundred and seventeen, my God, this number is beyond imagination and breaks our record." After Gao Baiyun finished counting, he bit his finger in surprise.

  Gao Liang said, "With such a big wolf pack, the wolf king must be very powerful?"

  "It's a pity that I didn't get to see the wolf king's style, he must be majestic." Gu Miliba licked his mouth, feeling a bit regretful.

  His cousin Gao Baiyun slapped him directly, "What are you thinking about? Not to mention that the Wolf King has been smashed to pieces by Brother Cheng, even if it is still alive, you can't see it. Do you think the Wolf King So easy to get close to him? Before you could get close enough to see clearly, he was KO'd by his younger brothers." "

  Brother, I just thought about it. Who would have the guts to approach the Wolf King? Except our Cheng brother can deal with him. , we can only deliver food to it." After saying that, he looked at Sicheng not far away with admiration.

  Yun Qiao said, "So there are more than two hundred and seventeen wolves, and the blown-up Wolf King and his guards are included." Village

  Chief Zheng witnessed Sicheng charging forward and throwing grenades.

  He murmured to himself, "This Pinghe Village should not be underestimated. It not only has military force, but also thermal weapons."

  Accountant Old Liu standing next to him thought of another level. Her hands were still shaking a little, "Fortunately We met Village Chief Si and the others, otherwise our whole village would suffer." "No, their villages

  have suffered so many injuries when they fought together, and we ourselves, old and young, can't resist at all." The man next to him said. The old lady trembled and hugged her little grandson tightly.

  Village Chief Zheng nodded, "We owe them another favor. They helped us save our lives twice." The elderly people around them all nodded in agreement. Accountant Liu said, "Village Chief, when I get back I'll

  I want to give our family's share to them for free, so as to repay their kindness for saving our family for four generations." "Old sister, why can't we just give it to you? Count us in as well." The elderly people

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