Chapter 351-360

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Chapter 351 349. Expelled?

  While the stalemate between the two parties continued, many people in the village began to run to the entrance of the village and began to ask what happened.

  Wu Shan told the villagers what he had discovered before and what happened next.

  At this time, the people in the village were not calm anymore. "These people are just pushing their limits. We will drive them all away when dawn comes." "

  What sweet dream are you still thinking about entering the village? Are you afraid of exposing their tongues?

  " While there was a lot of discussion inside, the people outside the door became quiet. Those who were timid walked away quietly, not daring to continue to gather around the door, but they also did not dare to go far, for fear of some danger. This was also the last step. life-saving straw.

  Sicheng and others who lived near the back mountain also rushed over at this time. Under the chatter of other villagers, they finally figured out the reason.

  Sicheng didn't say much, but immediately ran to the city wall. He didn't look at the refugees under the wall, but started to look at the green light in the distance.

  Perhaps affected by the movement here, the green light began to move, but it did not move this way, but seemed to move backwards and away.

  "Who said you wanted to enter the village just now?" Sicheng then looked at the people under the wall.

  The appearance of Village Chief Si reminded everyone that there was such a great god in the village. The timid ones started shaking their heads, regardless of whether the light was good or not, the other party couldn't see it.

  Yun Heng was afraid that there would be no chaos in the world, so he went to the edge of Sicheng, tapped the people who had gathered around the gate and kicked it hard a few times with his hands, and complained at the same time.

  The people who were named were a little frustrated and started arguing with each other.

  "The wild animals on this mountain are about to come down the mountain. It's right for you to let us go in and take shelter." Someone bravely said what he thought was natural.

  "What happens after you enter the village? Can you guarantee that all of you will stand there and not move? You will not wander around in our village? What's more, our village doesn't owe you anything. It's our greatest responsibility to remind you. Such kindness." Sicheng pointed out their thoughts directly.

  "There are thousands of ways to deal with wild animals on the mountain. When you lived outside this village, we also told you that you are responsible for your own safety. Now it's here, why should they fall in front of our village? Come on." Sicheng politely drew a clear line between the two sides.

  "..." The people below didn't know how to refute it now. After all, they had posted notices at the entrance of the village before, and everything on them was clearly written.

  "Okay, let's all go back and have a rest. The wild animals on the mountain have dispersed. But you should still watch your own night, but you can't rely on our village for everything. If our village doesn't find it one day, don't worry about it then. Our village will not be responsible for blaming the incident on us." This is the first time Sicheng has said such serious words to these refugees.

  Now that the crisis has been temporarily resolved, Sicheng waved the people in the village to go back and rest.

  "Brother Cheng, I didn't expect these people to be so aggressive. It's really not possible. Let's drive these people away when dawn comes." Yun Heng didn't expect that only a small crisis would reveal the true colors of these people.

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