Chapter 501-510

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Chapter 501 499. Snake Fight
  The giant snake was very sensitive to the medicinal powder, and had already removed its head before the medicinal powder came into contact with it.

  The person standing on the wooden stake did not show too much love for fighting. Instead, he directly grasped the rope and quickly glided towards the village.

  Seeing that the prey in his eyes actually ran away under his nose, the giant snake swam quickly to catch up.

  But this time, the reckless pursuit taught it a painful lesson. Before it could react, the sharp scalpel cut open the snake skin under its belly.

  The villagers who stood in front of it and lured it could even hear the sound of tearing and tearing.

  The giant snake was in pain and rolled on the ground instantly, but it didn't expect that the densely packed scalpel blades on the side were engulfed in its flesh.

  "This is the time," Hou Yunhai asked the archers standing by to start shooting non-stop.

  These arrows were directed at its wounds, and many arrows were added along the blade's position.

  With so many scalpel blades immersed in the snake's body, the drug smeared on it gradually began to have some effect, and the originally fierce and domineering giant snake slowly began to slow down.

  At this time, it also realized that something was wrong, and swam its body to escape like last time. Just as its body swam backwards, the villagers also began to take action.

  When its movements slowly became sluggish, Hou Yunhai walked around the area where the blades were densely packed, and slowly approached with a small pot of medicinal powder prepared by Liu Zhijian.

  Feeling the approaching human aura, the giant snake raised its head vigorously, trying to bite Hou Yunhai.

  At this moment, Hou Yunhai directly opened the lid and poured a whole basin of medicinal powder into its mouth.

  Stimulated by the medicinal powder, the giant snake rolled on the ground again like last time, as if it was suffering from unusual pain.

  The villagers who followed closely raised their sharply-sharpened machetes and kept slashing at it, especially at the seven-inch area. The knife was merciless.

  Captain Liu and the others, who were watching the battle from a distance, looked at this scene in surprise. At the same time, they were thinking in their hearts, if they encountered such a giant snake in their own village, would they have a chance to fight? Or just bury Shekou?
  "They are so awesome. It seems that this snake is doomed today."

  Captain Liu glanced at the speaker, "Are you sympathizing with the snake?" "

  No, no, no," the speaker The man quickly waved his hands and denied, "This kind of scourge should be eliminated, but we should be glad that it did not appear in our village at this time, otherwise we might not be able to defeat him with our strength." Old Zhaotou said, "You don't even look at it

  . Look at how many things they used this time, look at the pot of medicinal powder, maybe it's their new invention, and the shiny blade on the ground, we can't take it out." While they were still watching

  , At this moment, Captain Niu suddenly shouted, "Be careful."

  But his warning came too late, and Gu Mili felt that his waist was instantly tied up with something.

  After these few days of assault training, he raised his hands naturally and looked nervously at the snake's tail wrapped around his waist.

  In just an instant, the entire snake began to circle around his body twice.

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