Chapter 211-220

210 3 5

Chapter 211 209. Seeds
  When the village recovered all the crops from the fields and planted drought-resistant crops such as peanuts and beans, the terraces across the lake were gradually taking shape, but by this time they were almost out of food. , not to mention those seeds.

  "First organize people to go to the mountains to pick up those fungi and wild vegetables. You can always find a way to survive here. As for the seeds..." Chief Kuang was full of questions when he thought about this, because he didn't know who to find to get such things. Multiple seeds.

  "How about we go to the county seat to discuss it with those people." Someone thought of the soldiers stationed in the county seat.

  "It's useless. You see, they are also self-sufficient in reclaiming land nearby. Besides, the seeds we want are not just one or two kilograms." "There will definitely

  be seeds in each village, but we can't exchange anything with them at this time." Although some people thought of the village, no one would give so many seeds in vain.

  "Let's ask then, have the terraces in other places been completed?" This time, many more fields have been opened in several places with sufficient water sources.

  "It's almost done, but the tools are also very worn. I may have to go back by then, otherwise I won't be able to continue." Thinking of those worn tools, Political Commissar Wang felt heartbroken.

  "Let's see if anyone among them knows how to blacksmith. If you haven't asked around, it would be better if it could be repaired." Chief Kuang's hair has been falling out very badly during this period. If he doesn't implement all these things quickly, then in the future It will get harder and harder.

  "Tomorrow let's go to a few nearby villages and see if we can get some seeds on credit first." Chief Kuang still wanted to try it, but he couldn't clear the land, and leaving it there because of a lack of seeds didn't mean he was working in vain. ?
  After the people in Pinghe Village were able to finish all the farm work, they began to think about visiting relatives and holding weddings.

  Sicheng was also planning to take Yunqi to Gaojiacun that day. Originally he did not agree with Yunqi going there, but Yunqi insisted on going along. Moreover, Father Yun also agreed. After all, no matter what, she was still his mother. As a daughter-in-law, she always had to visit her.

  The two simply packed up some freshly dug potatoes and sweet potatoes. If it wasn't so extreme last time, then they would have brought more practical things with them.

  Sicheng directly put the things in two frames and picked them up. Yunqi carried a bamboo basket on his back, which contained some peanut and soybean seeds for his aunt.

  The road here became much smoother because there were more people walking back and forth, and soon they reached the camp originally set up by the village on the other side of the lake.

  But this side is now occupied by thatched houses, and the mountains on both sides have turned into terraces.

  "These people are moving really fast. In just a few months, they have transformed the mountain with their own human power." Yun Qi didn't expect that the changes outside were so big, and there were so many people coming and going. .

  Sicheng took a closer look around and found that the single-plank bridge originally built in the pit had been replaced by a two- or three-meter-wide wooden bridge. They dug a deep trench on the road leading to Hujiacun. It seemed that they had explored further and knew that there was a deep mountain ahead.

  "Let's go," Yun Qi saw that the resting place was occupied, and he didn't want to stay here any longer.

  Not long after they left, Si Zhengwei's family was coming down from their responsibility field on the mountain. Now they had drawn lots to determine which field each family would be responsible for. The food they grew belonged to them except for the seeds that had to be returned. Of course, They haven't received the seeds yet, they are just clearing the land a few more times.

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