Chapter 3

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Brianna quickly stepped back, making me more confused as the crazy girl kept on ranting on and throwing tantrums at me.
"Hey!! Where are you going? We didn't get to finish our talk". I tried to call her.
"Oh don't worry, honey. You can get to talk to her when she visits your grave at your funeral". The crazy girl says.
I stepped backwards. "Okay, woah. Let's not get too intense now, how about that?".
"You think this is intense?". She yells at me. "I'll show you intensely, you dweeb".
She wanted to come right off at me when Brianna quickly held her back trying not to make a scene here.
"What do you mean? He threw his used chocolate wrapper at me".
Oh. So that's why she's all angry like this, I guess I should apologize then but I won't.
"Chloe, come on. You are making a scene".
"You should listen to your friend, Chloe and stop being arrogant, it doesn't suit you".
She lets out a scoff. "Arrogant? Look at the kettle calling the pot black".
"Hey dude". Lucas walked over. "What's the deal here, man".
"The deal is that your friend has refused to apologize for what he did to me".
He looked at me. "What is she yapping all about?".
"Nothing, just cuckoo crazy for attention". I dismissed it with a flick of my hand.
"Now he calls me crazy?".
"Just apologize already". He tells me. "All these people here are staring at you".
I sighed. "Look, missy. I'm sorry for what I did back there but that doesn't mean you should yap about it".
"Just only sorry would have been better". Lucas whispered to me and immediately, a bottle of alcohol was poured on my shirt directly.
Chloe smirked. "How do you like the crazy in me now?".
I gritted my teeth furiously and walked off immediately with Lucas behind me.
I clenched my fists. "Did you see that?".
"She spilled her alcohol all over you". He laughs slightly. "Man, that was hilarious".
I glared at him. "Seriously, whose side are you on here, Huh?".
"Hey". He shrugged. "I like ladies who step up to you, it really takes a lot of guts".
I rolled my eyes. "I'm in the restroom if you need me".
He chuckled again and I scowled angrily at him going over to the restroom. I got in and went directly to the mirror checking out my stained shirt.
Gosh!! Does she even know how much this cost? She then dumped her alcohol all on me, she is gonna get it.
I sighed going out of the restroom stopping when I saw Brianna coming towards me.
She smiled at me. "Hi".
"Hey". I replied slowly.
"Sorry, that umm ... ". She glanced at my shirt.
"That your friend just made a mistake by doing to my designer shirt".
"Yeah that. Chloe can do things without thinking a lot of times". She fiddled with her fingers. "So your friend, Lucas said that I would find you here".
"You know, we weren't done with our own conversation, remember?".
She chuckled slightly. "Do you still want to talk?".
"But not here. Somewhere private?". I ask her for suggestions.
She nodded in response and I led her to one of the private suites in the club which happens to be the VIP and only for us.
"So are you like the owner of the place?".
I shook my head. "No. Why?".
"Only assuming because it seems like you are dripping in wealth".
"I'm Williams Paige". I said hoping that she would understand but she only nodded.
Wait, what? She doesn't know me!! How is that possible? Mostly every lady that I come across with knows me which made me want to tell her who exactly I was.
But there's no need for that. I mean, it's not like I'm gonna have anything to do with her after this night anyways. She is beautiful alright with blue eyes that seem calm and refreshing just like the sea.
I blushed slightly as he stared at me. If it was other men then I would have maybe hit them across the face but with Liam, i didn't even do it.
That doesn't mean he's different anyways from the others. To me, they are the same, not always satisfied and chasing after other women just like Nick.
Aargh!! Brianna, just forget Nick for this one night. He's a no good dumb ass who doesn't deserve your concern at all.
"So why are you here?". He began talking to me. "I've never seen your face around ''.
"Oh. This is just my first time here".
"And why?".
"Chloe brought me here to soothe me and maybe drink away all my sorrows". I told him truthfully.
"Something bad?".
"Well cut the long story short, my boyfriend cheated on me and I hate him now. This is the only way to calm my nerves". I replied.
"Why would someone ever cheat on an exotic beauty like you?".
I smiled slightly. "You all are the same, Liam Paige".
"I am different". He smiles at me too. "Way different, Brianna Anderson".
I just love the way my name rolls out of his tongue perfectly. I'd really like to hear more of that.
I felt nervous with the way he stared at me and was about to say something when he kissed me all of a sudden.
My first thought was to push him away but come on, Brianna. Live your life according to Chloe.
I encircled my hand around his neck and he deepened the kiss, making me forget the fact that he's a total stranger that I just met in the bar.
I didn't know he did it but then we were on a bed and he was taking my clothes off. He paused for a bit, staring at me but I kissed him, giving him the go ahead.
He took off his own clothes too and well, we did it. He took off my panties and bra as well as I laid on the bed naked in front of him.
His fingers found his way to my cl*t as he rubbed it continuously making moan out of pleasure.
He began fondling my breasts while biting my ni**le. I helped him take his briefs off and my eyes widened at the size of it.
What the hell? He placed it and jerked my hips thrusting his dick in me. Oh Fuck!! I'm not a Virgin but still it's hard with him in me.
I moaned loudly as he thrust into me, filling his whole length inside of me. My body started trembling as he moved inside of me.
I gripped onto his shoulders tightly as he continued whispering words to me that I can't even contemplate.
Tomorrow, I might regret this but maybe for now, I'll just go with the flow. With this new feeling that is launching inside of me.
I groan as he hits the spot while I adjust the position of my hips to meet him and he picks up the pace faster than before.
He raises my leg up to his shoulder before pushing in and out of me again. I moaned out again as he released, pulling away slowly.
I tried to steady my breathing but my eyes quickly closed shut as I plummeted into a deep sleep trying to calm down.
I woke up to sunlight streaming through the room. I opened my eyes and blinked rapidly, taking a moment to realize where I was.
What the hell? I'm not in my room with Chloe?!!! I looked beside me and noticed Liam was there fast asleep.
I wanted to sit up from the bed but then realized that I wore nothing underneath.
No, no, no, no. The memories of yesterday night start flooding back into my mind. I slept with a complete stranger.
I noticed that his arm was draped around my waist affectionately pulling me so close to him while I could also feel his soft breath against me.
I turned around quietly and faced him, who knows if he's naked as well underneath the blankets?!!.
I wanted to wake him up but then the door bursting open woke him up instead.
A young beautiful girl barges into the room making me squeak in fright and fall off on the other side of the bed.
At least, I still have the sheets to cover me up. Oh thank goodness!! This is all weird to me right now.
"Lili. How many times have I told you to first knock before coming in?". I heard Liam scold her.
She glanced at me. "Daddy. Who's she?".
"Brianna?". Liam called me.
I stood up nervously covering myself with the bedcovers as I sat on the bed again.
I smiled a little. "Hi".
"Daddy, who's she? Your new girlfriend?". She squealed excitedly.
"Umm". He sighed. "Lili, why don't you just go on to your room and give daddy a little privacy".
"Oh I get it. You want to make babies with her". She giggles happily. "I've always wanted a sister".
I stared at her gobsmacked. Babies?!!! Why did she say that? And where the hell did that come from now?!!
"Lili". Liam's voice comes out stern this time.
"I'm going". She clutched onto her teddy bear. "But I want a baby sister, Daddy".

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