Chapter 58

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"You are pregnant?".
"What?". I scoffed. "No way, don't end up in conclusions here ".
"That's the truth. Chloe, you are carrying my baby". He said as he kissed my forehead.
"No, no, no". I muttered stepping away from him. "This can't be happening".
"Lucas. I can't be pregnant!". I snapped at him.
"What are you talking about? Chloe, the signs are there and besides I don't use any condoms, you know that".
"Well yeah".
"And you never take any pills after we have sex". He added reminding me.
"But ... ". I trailed off trying to find a better explanation for this. "Maybe it was what I ate last night".
"You gotta be kidding me".
"Yeah, that must be it".
"Chloe". He turned to face me. "You are pregnant, there's no denying that fact".
"But I don't want to be pregnant".
"What do you mean by you don't want to be pregnant? Well you should have thought of that before succumbing to me".
I scoffed. "Oh! So it's not my fault? Huh?".
"Well you are the one who doesn't want to be pregnant".
"That's because I don't want a child". I said to him exasperatedly.
He paused. "What?".
"I don't want a child, Lucas. I don't see any achievement in being pregnant, for me, it's just only a toll on someone".
"Chloe, tell me you are joking right now, how can you want a child?".
"That's just the truth. I don't want to be pregnant, I don't want to have a child and I don't give birth, thats the fucking truth".
"Oh. I know why you are saying this, if it's about the pains during the birth, then we'll work on that, Chloe". He said holding my hands.
"Oh Jeez! You don't get me, do you? I don't want to have a child, at least not now".
"I think you are overreacting. Who the hell in their right mind would not want a child?".
"I'm going for a test". I walked out on him stepping out of the shower room.
"Chloe". He walked behind me. "You can't run away from the truth, you know".
"I just need to know if I'm pregnant or not". I said sitting on the bed.
"And if you are not pregnant?". He asked quietly. "What happens then?".
"Then I'll be thankful because I don't wanna have a child".
"And what if you are pregnant?".
"I'll get rid of it". I said firmly.
"You are not getting rid of my baby, Chloe, that child in there is mine as well".
"But I don't want this child, Lucas. Come on, we both know that this was a mistake".
"A blissful mistake". He corrected me. "I love children, okay? And it wouldn't hurt if I become a father".
"We'll talk about that later, Lucas. For now, I need to know if I'm pregnant".
The test strip! Yeah! HTP!
I stood up and went over to his drawers searching for it effortlessly. It's gonna be here somewhere.
"Chloe. What are you looking for?".
"A tear strip. I need to know if I'm pregnant or not".
"You know what? I don't even understand you anymore". He said going to sit on the bed.
"Oh wow. Tell me more".
"Chloe. I'm serious here, I want children yet you don't want them".
"Lucas. We aren't married".
"Then marry me".
"Thank you, Williams. I'm so__".
She was interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing. I grabbed it from my side pocket and glanced at the caller's I.D.
Nicholas. Why the heck is he calling?
"Who's that?". Trisha asked, looking at me.
"It's Nicholas".
I stared at my ringing phone in my hands wondering if I should just answer the call or not.
We are not friends anymore so why the hell is he calling me?
"Williams. You are not going to answer him?".
"No". I concluded dipping the phone back in my pockets.
"Why? Nick could be calling you for a good reason. Or aren't you two no longer friends anymore?".
"We are not".
"So about the divorce ... ".
"Right, look, Williams. My signature is on it and that means our marriage is very much now nullified but I need you to promise me this".
"Sure. Trisha. What do you need?". I asked her immediately.
Well at least this is the least I can do. Give her whatever she wants in exchange for signing these papers.
"Don't take Lilliana away from me". Her lips quivered. "P-Please".
"What?". I was taken aback. "Trisha, I'm not going to do that".
"I just, I know I'm a bad mother for what I did, leaving the both of you like that but I had to and I'm sorry".
"Why did you leave anyways?". I asked curiously. "Trisha, I gave you everything you ever wanted".
"I know that but I wasn't satisfied. Getting pregnant in college and then getting married to you immediately, I didn't have enough time to live my life".
"Live your life?". I scoffed. "Just in case you still remember, I also became a father back in college but you didn't see me running away".
"Williams, I'm sorry about that".
I sighed softly. "Those are by-gones. I now have Brianna, Lilliana, Jayden and Jana".
"I'm happy for you, Williams. I truly am and I'm really sorry if I caused either you or Brianna pain".
"Daddy!". Lili yelled outside, distracting me from replying to Trisha.
I faced Trisha. "I have to go".
"Yeah sure". She nodded in response. "And send my regards to Brianna".
"Okay. I will".
"And before you get back. I would have been gone by then". She adds walking away.
I tucked my hands in my pockets as I walked out through the main entrance heading to where Lili was.
'And before you get back. I would have been gone by then'
I sighed, shrugging the thoughts off. If she leaves then it will be for the best, at least I don't have to worry about Brianna feeling insecure ever again.
"Daddy!". Lili spoke up, jolting me out of my thoughts.
"Yes, baby".
I carried her off the floor into my arms as she squealed excitedly. I laughed giving her little kisses all over her face.
"Eww! Daddy, stop!".
I laughed. "What? Daddy didn't hear".
She continued giggling then my phone rang again. I dropped her on the car bonnet and glanced at the caller's I.D.
Nicholas. Again.
"Daddy. Who is that?".
"One moment, baby".
"Hello". I said after picking the call.
"Liam! How nice to hear your voice again".
"What do you want?".
"So Brianna gave birth. How come I didn't know about it and had to hear it now?".
"They are not your fucking children!". I growled angrily on the phone.
I smiled at the nurse who just left my ward and I sighed feeling nauseated from staying in a hospital for about three days.
At least, I get to leave today. With my kids.
Yeah, I love the sound of that. My kids, I'm now a mother and I'll make sure that I'll be the best that I can be.
I'll give them the upbringing that I never had myself. Hmm, I only wished my Mum would have been alive to see me now.
A knock on the door distracted me from my thoughts and I glanced towards the door which opened.
I paused, shocked as Nicholas walked in, he was speaking on the phone as he came in and then he turned to face me with a smile.
"What are you doing here!". I spoke up.
"Talk to you later, Liam".
I watched as he ended the call. He was on a call with Liam?!
"Brianna". He walked over to me.
"What are you doing here? Why are you here?".
He chuckled lightly. "So I'm not welcomed here? Is that what you are trying to say?".
"I'm glad you got the message, now leave".
His smile disappeared. "I need to see the babies".
"You don't give up, do you? They are not yours".
"I still don't believe that. How about we do a DNA test first?".
"Really? Nick, get one thing straight, even if they are your kids, I can never be with a cheater, do you get that?".
"I love you, Brianna. How many times do you want me to say it? I'm in love with you". He said exasperatedly.
"Nick, stop! How can you say that when you cheated on me? And even so, you also cheated on me with Lauren as well".
"Fine, let's sort this out".
"There's nothing to sort out. I gave birth to Liam's children. I love Liam. That's it".
"I'm not leaving until a DNA test is done".

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