Chapter 36

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I pulled her closer into a kiss, shutting her up immediately. She wrapped her hands around my neck and I slipped my hands round her waist as well.
She pulled away. "So is everything done?".
"Um, yeah. I'm actually tired".
"You actually look stressed. Wow, being a boss is harder than I thought".
I sat back on my chair. "And my shoulders hurt so much".
"Maybe you should get some rest".
"That's it? That's the only thing you are going to say?".
She arched her eyebrows. "What else do you want me to say?".
"Come on, Chloe. I need a massage".
"Do I look like a masseuse to you?".
I rested back on the chair frowning and she sighed softly walking over to where I was.
"I'm only doing it because I like you and that's it, not because you asked me to". She said caressing my cheeks.
I chuckled lightly. "Yeah, right".
"Okay, this might hurt a little bit". She said, placing her hands on my shoulders as I heard a bone crack.
"Woah, woah, woah". I moved away. "I said a massage would not kill me".
"Why are you afraid, boyfriend? I can't kill you, at least, not now".
I watched her as she laughed at my reaction. Okay, it's official, she's prettier when she's happy.
She made me rest back on the chair and gently rubbed my shoulders making me feel at ease.
"Why didn't you say yes to me before?". I asked her curiously.
She stopped for a moment then continued again but I knew she was tense.
"You can tell me". I added.
"Well at an early age, I learnt not to trust anyone".
"That's it?".
"Lucas, I've been heartbroken a lot of times, especially in College. You can ask Brie and she'll tell you all about my love stories that always manage to fail".
I paused as she said that. Is she being kind of sarcastic right now or saying the truth?
"Oh". I only mouthed.
"I met my first boyfriend, Chad, in high school. He was cute, charming and I fell for him right away. He was a senior, eighteen and I was a fresher, sixteen".
"It didn't work out?". I asked her.
"He was a jerk". She replied coldly. "Turns out he only wanted to taste me".
"Yeah and as if that wasn't enough, the top popular girls ganged up against me saying I made them lose their chance with Chad".
"Let me guess ... ". My lips quivered with laughter. "You beat them up?".
"They actually beat me up".
I turned to look at her. "You? They beat you up? The same girl who threatened to make me lose a bone the first day of work".
"Seriously? Lucas, I was sixteen then and now I'm twenty five".
"Wait, so you learned how to fight?".
"Can I please just go back to my story?".
I chuckled lightly. "Okay, miss".
I relaxed back on my swiveling chair just as her hands worked on my shoulders again.
"Well when the popular girls beat me up, I left school that day crying. Most girls cry at home but I cried on the streets, I had no home".
"I'm sorry about that". I whispered.
"I forgot about all that when I gained admission to Harvard. Ryan helped me with the payments and everything, he became my boyfriend but still, that didn't go well".
"He wanted to have you?".
"If you had many guys like that after you then that means ... ". I trailed off.
"That means". She continued. "I'm not a virgin, yeah, I lost it in college, in an awful way".
"I'm sorry".
"But I have you". She kissed my cheeks. "I don't want to be wrong about love again".
I smiled as I drew her closer, pulling her into a kiss. She giggled in between our lips.
I think I like this side of Chloe.
"Trisha". He spoke up coldly. "What are you doing?".
She smiled at him and I sighted her with luggage. Why is she with that?
"I came back". She smirked. "Just like I said I would".
I stared at her surprised. What did she mean by that? And does she plan to stay here?
Liam frowned. "I want you to leave my house right now".
"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Darling, it's our mansion, if you don't let me in right now then I might call in our family lawyer".
"Trisha, don't you__".
"I am still married to you, don't forget that".
He clenched his fists and I had to walk over there. I held his hand and he sighed, taking in a deep breath.
Trisha glanced at me, her eyes landing on my baby bump before finally looking back at my face.
"So she was the hoe I spoke up yesterday, the hoe you__".
"Shut up!!". Liam growled angrily.
She glanced at me. "Don't you speak? Or is Liam now with a dumb person?".
"I'm not your enemy". I said only.
"Really? It's clear that you want to steal my family away from me. And in case you don't know, Williams is a married man".
"If there's anybody I'm married to right now, that will be Brianna".
She looked at my engagement ring. "Wow, he proposed with a diamond ring. Well it's not my problem anyways, I can prove that I am still married to Liam but what about you?".
"You shut your__".
"Liam". I held his hand soothingly, cutting him off. "Calm down, okay?".
Trisha crossed her arms. "It's obvious that you intend on replacing me with her, do you also want her to be Lili's mother?".
"Get out of my house".
"We both own this place, Williams and I have proof of that just incase".
"Trisha". He warned her. "Leave".
"I'm not going anywhere until I see my own daughter".
"You are not seeing Lilian and trust me, I'll make her forget that she ever had a mom like you".
She scoffed. "Do what you want but the fact will always remain that I'm Lillian's biological mother and not anyone else".
Liam immediately shut the door on her then he bolted it shut. He turned back going off the stairs not even waiting for me.
I looked at the closed door briefly before I decided to go after Liam. I walked slowly to the stairs as I held the railings for support.
Liam is so, Gosh!! Getting himself worked up over that. He should have ignored her.
I got to the hallway and went straight for our room still feeling heavy because of the pregnancy.
I do hope he's not doing anything stupid.
He might be.
I got there and opened the door stepping in as I closed it behind me. I stopped seeing him in a fit of rage as he kept on punching the wall.
I went over to him and dragged his arm looking at his fists which were bleeding.
"Are you crazy?". I yelled back at him.
He yanked his arm away, going over to sit on the bed, ignoring me completely.
"Oh so now you ignore your pregnant fiancee but if it's Trisha, you spill out words".
He sighed. "Brianna, I don't__".
"Spare me that. Liam, what's wrong with you? Huh? Hitting the wall just because you are angry?".
"Didn't you hear what she said?". He raised his voice.
"I heard her perfectly fine but that doesn't mean you should go around punching the walls, you are hurting yourself".
He didn't respond and I sighed, going over to my drawers, taking a white handkerchief, then walked back to him.
"Give me your fist". I instructed him.
He stretched it out to me reluctantly and I took the bled one tying the handkerchief on it.
He breathed out. "I'm sorry that you have to see me this way".
"It's okay". I caressed his cheeks softly. "I'm always here for you no matter what".
He took my palm and kissed it. "Thank you, Anna".
I smiled and was about to stand up from the bed when he drew me back for a kiss.
He unlocked and I knew what he wanted next. I pulled him into another kiss and he fondled with my b**bs for a while before he let go of me making me kneel down.
I chuckled to myself. I wonder how Liam always survived without sex when Trisha left him.
He loosened his belt and his trousers came down next. I pulled down his shorts and his erected d*ck sprang up.
He stood up, his d*ck facing my face, and I engulfed my hand around it stroking it for a while before taking it into my mouth.
He jerked moaning lightly as I sucked on it, fondling his balls at the same time.
"Fuck!! Anna ... ". He groaned, jerking.
I knew he was about to be released and he did with a little pouring into my mouth. I gulped it down and continued sucking his d**k.
He reached down for my tank top and his hands delved under fondling with my b**bs while I stroked him perfectly.
His phone ringing interrupted and I pulled away immediately. He groaned and let go of me grabbing his phone from the table.
I chuckle sitting on the bed as Liam picks up the call grudgingly. His face reaction all of a sudden, changed as he answered the call.
"Liam? Is something wrong?".
He hastily threw his phone on the bed and grabbed his trousers putting them back on.
"Liam. You are getting me scared, who was that? Did something bad happen?".
"It's Lili".

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