Chapter 39

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I stirred in my sleep as I felt kisses placed on my face. I flipped open my eyelids to see Liam hovering over me.
"Good morning, sunshine".
"Liam ... ". I blushed red. "Good morning".
He kissed my forehead. "How was your night? Did you sleep well?".
"Yeah, like a baby".
"Speaking of that". He kissed my baby bump too. "Hey Jayden. Did you sleep well or did Mummy snores make you awake?".
"Liam!!". I hit him slightly and he flopped back on the bed laughing.
"Hey". I pretended to be angry. "That was not funny".
"I love it when you look angry. You have these little lines on your forehead which make you look cute to me".
"That's so sweet".
He kissed my cheeks, then my nose before placing his lips on mine. I responded for a while before pulling away.
He groaned. "Come on, Anna. Please".
"No". I refused bluntly. "Liam. I'm so tired and besides, I need rest".
"But the baby needs milk".
"No, he doesn't".
"You know it's christmas morning so I don't see any reason why I should be refused".
I glanced at him. "Christmas?".
"Merry Christmas. Darling".
I sat up quickly. "Oh Jeez!! I forgot to wrap up presents for Lili last night".
"Oh I did that already. They are under the christmas tree lying there for her".
"But what about the cookies she left for Santa?". I asked him.
"I ate them and gulped them down with milk".
I breathed out a sigh of relief. "Good. Well I wouldn't want her Christmas to be ruined".
"I like that".
"Brianna, I like the way you care for Lilian like she's your daughter. And it only seems to increase my love for you".
"I love Lili just like I love you. And besides, she accepted me and takes me as her own Mommy so I take her as my daughter".
"And I love you".
He kissed my lips again and this time, I let him go further. His lips trails down from my cheeks to my neck nibbling on the hollow.
All of a sudden, I hear Lili shriek downstairs and I quickly pull away from Liam as I hear her screams.
"You gotta be kidding me". He muttered, flopping back on the bed.
"Liam. Didn't you hear Lili?".
He groaned standing up. "Okay. Fine, let's go".
I stood up and he held my hand taking me out of the room. We stepped out and walked towards the stairs going down.
I got down and paused seeing Lili shriek as she went through a lot of presents at the tree, the decorated lighted Christmas tree.
"Wow". I gaped at it, surprised. "Liam. Did you decorate the tree like that?".
"It's beautiful. Right?".
"Yeah". I pecked his cheeks. "You did great because it looks awesome".
He frowned. "Just a peck?".
"Grow up, Liam". I said laughing.
I turned to see Lili squealing as she jumped around excitedly. I laughed as I watched her in full happy mode.
"Mommy!!". She ran to me. "Did you see what Daddy got me? My very own fashion wardrobe".
"Merry Christmas, sweetie". I kissed her hair.
She went to the presents and tore open another one. I gasped as she brought out a sequined decorated pink backpack.
"You really went extra for all this, huh?". I asked Liam
He shrugged. "I had to. My first Christmas with the love of my life and my daughter so I had to make it special".
"That's so sweet. I guess I'll have to find a perfect gift too".
He circled my baby bump. "This is the best christmas gift ever. An addition to the Paige family".
"I feel loved".
He cupped my cheeks. "You are. I can't wait for you to give birth. How many more months?".
"I'm seven months and one week pregnant, so we still have time to prepare for Jana".
"Jana". I argued with him.
"Jayden. Just forget about the sex of the baby for now, okay?".
He kissed my lips and I happily reciprocated until I heard someone clear their throat.
I pulled away from Liam to see Trisha. She looked at with disgust visible on her face.
"Get a room, you two". She snarled at us walking towards Lili.
Liam clenched his fists but I held his arm, rubbing it gently as I soothed him. He took a deep breath and sighed letting it go.
Trisha crouched in front of Lili. "How's my baby doing?".
"Guess what Momma got you". She gave her a beautifully wrapped present. "Merry Christmas, baby".
Lili glanced at Liam and he nodded. She looked back at the present taking it then unwrapped it gently revealing a laptop.
Wait, what? She wrapped a laptop for her.
Lili gasped. "You got me a laptop?".
"Do you like it?".
"I like it".
I watched as she gave her Mum a hug and I smiled. I really want to be in between both of them.
"She's so desperate for Lili's attention". Liam whispered to me and I hit him slightly.
"Don't say that''. I whispered back. "She only wants her daughter's love, that's all".
He rolled his eyes. "Yeah right".
"Mommy". Lili ran to me again. "I got a new laptop".
"That's so sweet of your Momma". I glance at Trisha glaring at me.
"Did you get me a gift too?".
"Of course, baby. But it's right outside though".
She squealed excitedly. "Let's go see it then".
"Maybe later". Liam spoke up. "It's chilly outside so we'll go later after breakfast".
"I can't wait to see it". Lili said and ran back to the christmas tree.
"Hey". Liam turned to me. "Do you wanna eat breakfast now?".
"Hmm. Maybe but I'm not hungry now. I'll shower first".
His eyes lightened up. "Can I join you?".
"You are such a pervert".
"What?". He shrugged. "It's only right that I get to bathe my two babies. You and Jayden okay?".
"We are not doing this now, Brianna. About the shower?".
I laughed heartily. "Okay. Go first and I'll join you later".
"How soon?".
"One minute head start?".
"One minute head start".
He pecked me on my lips lightly and I had to chuckle as I watched him go up the stairs.
I glanced at Trisha and she quickly looked away. I ignored it and went to the kitchen.
Maybe I should find what might be a good Christmas dish. Like a thanksgiving dinner.
I heard the door close and turned to see Trisha walk in. She crossed her arms and looked at her baby bump before looking at me.
More like glaring at me.
"Lili seems happy with your gift". I said, trying to lighten the mood.
She scoffed. "Look. I didn't come here to chit chat with you".
"Great. I'm not interested in a conversation with you either". I retorted.
"How old are you, sweetheart? 20? I guess you just finished college or something like that".
"What do you want, Trisha?". I asked her coldly.
"Girls like you are gold diggers and you are just an example. Using that pregnancy just to lure Williams to you, how cheap".
"I know you are only saying that because you are jealous, just admit it. And besides, I'm 23 and I'm nothing like a gold digger".
She shrugged. "Time will tell".
"If you have nothing else to say then why don't you use your free time for something else like getting Lilian to love you other than taunting me". I told her off.
"I just want to remind you that you are just a baby carrier, that's all".
"And I just want to remind you that you should watch the way you speak to me".
"No, darling. You should watch the way you speak to me because I'm very vicious. And watch your pregnancy too, you might end up losing it".

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