Chapter 59

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"Chloe. I'm serious here, I want children yet you don't want them".
"Lucas. We aren't married yet".
"Then marry me".
I paused and looked at him. "What?".
"Marry me". He repeated it, staring at me intently.
"Don't tell me you are just saying that so I'll keep the baby because I won't spare you".
He sighed and got off the bed walking to me then he crouched in front of me as he caressed my cheeks softly.
"I'm in love with you, Chloe. I totally love all of you and that's why I'm asking you to get married to me".
He sighed softly. "Don't doubt my love for you because it's true. My heart beats more for your presence when you are around me".
"I-I don't know what to say". I said to him stuttering.
"Chloe Houston". He whispered, holding my hands in his. "Will you marry me?".
"Lucas. Do you really want to get married to me or are you just saying that because I'm pregnant?".
"Don't you get it? I love you and I want to get married to you".
"If it's about romantic proposals and all that then trust you'll get it but I just want to be sure if you'll say yes to me".
"Yes?". I scoffed at him. "Of course, I'll say yes to you, Lucas. I love you ".
His eyes lightened up. "You'll marry me?".
"Yeah". I said, chuckling amused by his expression.
"Yes!!". He stood up pumping his fists in the air.
I laughed while getting up. "Lucas. Are you that happy about it?".
He pulled me to him immediately as his lips locked with mine in a ravaging kiss. I let out a moan delving my hands in his hair.
He pulled away, staring at me. "You'll marry me? For real?".
"Really, Lucas? Ask me that another dumb question one more time and I'm gonna kick you in the balls". I warned him playfully.
He laughed heartily. "Now that's my crazy Chloe".
"I hate that nickname but it's fine as long as you call me that ''.
"Wait a minute". He stared at me. "Does it mean that you'll keep the baby?".
Oh yeah! I'm pregnant! And jeez! For Lucas Knights.
"I don't know, Lucas. I'm really scared". I admitted nervously.
"If it's about the delivery then we'll work on that, okay?".
"What? No, I just__". I sighed sitting back on the bed.
"What's wrong?".
"My Mum was a bad person, she never did care for me. I fended for myself most of the time".
"And I don't want to be like her". I hugged myself tightly. "I really had a strong hate for her while growing up though. She never did treat me well anyways".
"Where's your Mum now?". He whispered.
"Dead. She was driving under the influence of alcohol in Las Vegas when an accident happened".
"I'm sorry".
"Nah''. I shook my head. "I didn't even go for the dumb burial. That's how much I hate her but she'll always be my Mum".
"Chloe". He sat on the bed with me. "Just because your Mum gave you a bad home upbringing doesn't mean that you'll also end up like her".
"That's what I'm scared of, Lucas. I don't think I'm ready to become a mother yet, I don't know anything about raising a child".
"Then I'll help you. I'm the father, you do know that ? Right? And we'll take care of our child together, is that alright with you?".
"Lucas. Isn't all this too sudden?". I asked.
He shrugged. "Not suddenly when I'm eager to get married to you and have children".
"You really have a thing for babies, don't you? Huh?".
"Yeah". He smiles a little. "The only regret I have is not having siblings but I have Liam, though he can be a knucklehead too".
I giggle. "Well I never had any siblings too and it's a pity my Mum couldn't take care of me".
"How old were you when she died?".
"I was in my final year at high school. From that moment on, I just did what I had to do to get me through college". I shrugged. "At least, I scaled through".
"I promise you this, Chloe. Our child will never pass through any pain".
"Yeah. I'll be the one to pass through it in the ward while giving birth". I joked and he laughed.
"True, true".
He kissed me when the phone rang immediately and he groaned, grabbing it on the bedside table.
"Who's it?". I asked, wrapping my hands around him.
It's great to know that he's all mine. Just for me. He's all yours, Chloe.
I arched my eyebrow. "Huh? What are you talking about".
"It's Lea". He said again. "I remember her putting her digits on my own some time ago like ... ".
"Why is she calling?".
"I don't know. Guess we have to find out". He answered the phone.
"There's nothing to sort out. I gave birth to Liam's children. I love Liam. That's it".
"I'm not leaving until a DNA test is done".
"Nicholas". I sat up on the bed. "What the heck! I'm the mother and I know who the father of my baby is!".
"Gosh! Brianna, I know you are going to say it's Liam again".
"That's because it's him". I snapped at him.
"Really?". He let out a scoff. "How am I not sure you are just saying it just so you could have all his wealth and riches?".
I was taken aback. "Huh? What are you talking about ?".
"What am I talking about? I'm pretty sure you are happy about giving birth to a son who can inherit his riches".
"You've got to be kidding me". I threw my hands up exasperated.
"If it's about wanting to get his riches then I can give my riches to you, Brianna. You will get anything you want if you'll just be with me".
"Nick, just stop it! I didn't get pregnant just to inherit some stupid wealth! I love Liam and all he has means nothing to me, only his love".
"I don't love you". I told him off. "How many times do you want me to say this?".
"What about back when we were still in a relationship? Do you want to say that you never loved me? Huh?".
I sighed softly. "Nick, I did love you".
"And I love you too, Brianna".
"But that was in the past". I added. "You broke my heart, Nick. Do you really expect me to still love you again?".
"I promise you, Brianna. I'll change, just come back to me".
"Nick, I'm sorry but No. I have a new life now, with Liam, with Lili and my babies".
"But they are my babies too. You can't deprive me of my rights".
"You are not the father of my child". I yell at him. "Can't you get that fact? I was never pregnant for you, the pregnancy was only for Williams Paige and that's the truth".
"But Lauren__".
"What did Lauren say?". I ask at once.
He pauses before answering. "She was the one who talked me into coming to see you here".
"That bitch!".
"Lauren said that I might be the real father of the baby. I got carried away by her talks and decided to come here to see if all what she said was true".
"Nick!". I said softly. "Lauren is a bitch, she hates seeing me happy for some reason known to her".
"What are you saying?".
"Lauren only talked you into coming here just to instigate me, that's all. She herself knows that you are not the father of my babies' '.
"She only wants to cause confusion between Liam and I". I explained to him.
"So all this while, she wanted to use me as a pet?". He asked to understand it. "As a pawn?!".
"But Brianna, are you sure that I'm not the father of the twins".
"Nick, please__".
"Brianna, I am still in love with you. And I don't really care if I'm the father, just come back to him".
"Nick, I can't. I'm sorry". I whispered softly.
He chuckled to himself. "I thought that I'll still have a chance with you after Lauren said that I might be the father but I can see that's not true ".
"Nick. You really need to stop hoping in the past, I have a new life now. Please do not try to ruin it for me".
"I just thought that__".
"Nick, please". I add as I tearfully clasp my hands together. "With all sincerity, Nick, I'm begging you, don't ruin my happiness".
"So you are happy with him ? More than you were with me?".
"Liam makes me feel special and I have Lili who loves me like her real mother. And now I have an addition to the family". I told him tearfully. "And you can see the ring on my finger too, right?".
"Wow". He sighs looking at me. "I really did love you, Brianna".
"I'm sorry, Nick but I have Liam now. And those babies are his not yours. But if you still won't believe me then we can have a DNA test conducted".
"No, I'm fine with it, Brianna". He stood up facing me. "I don't want to ruin the happiness of the woman I truly loved".
"I guess this is where it ends between us, I only wish I could turn back the hands of time but it's okay".
"You don't want the DNA test anymore?". I asked him, surprised.
"No. You should enjoy your happiness, Brianna. I'm sorry I wasn't able to give that to you".

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