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"And don't you forget to do the dishes like last time". Brianna reminded me. "Do it".
"Yes, ma'am". I replied, sliding my arm around her waist.
I sighed softly. "When are we going to have time for yourself, love?".
"When Lili is off on her date with Noah, when Chloe comes to pick up Jayden and Jana. And then when I put Miles to sleep".
If you are wondering who Miles is, then he's our newest baby. Brianna gave birth to him six months ago.
The pregnancy wasn't actually easy for her, after sleepless nine months for me. Brianna finally gave birth to Miles but not without contractions.
He took hours to come out but when he finally did, damn! He got a pair of lungs which screamed throughout the hospital.
Now I have two sons, Jayden Paige, Miles Paige and my two daughters, Lili and Jana Paige.
"Lili is going on a date with Noah? And you allowed it ?".
"Liam, don't fuss about it!".
"What do you mean by that? She's not allowed to date any boy till she's grown up".
"Lilliana is all grown up, she's fourteen if you remember and besides it's just some friendly date, that's all".
"Why are you just telling me about this now?". I asked her softly.
"'Cause I knew that if you found out earlier then you would have probably made Lili not to be available today for that date".
I chuckled softly. "I would have probably made Noah not to be available__".
"For the date, yeah. I get it".
"God! You know me so well, you finish all of my sentences". I replied, kissing her lightly.
"We've been married for six years, Liam".
Yeah, being married isn't a bed of roses at all. A marriage with Brie was tougher than I had expected especially with children all around us.
"And each day, I seem to love you more".
"You are still gonna wash those dishes, don't try to talk yourself out of this now". Brianna says, making me laugh heartily.
"Like I said, I seem to love you more each passing day!".
"Jeez! Liam, are you getting gray hair ?". She teased me.
Damn! I'm getting old. The added wrinkles and sprouting of a few gray hairs says a lot.
"Brianna, I'm 35. I can't have gray hair and if I do have then it's because of your four children !".
"What? My children?". She cocked her head.
"Lili now focuses on boys more these days, Jana doesn't do anything herself, Jayden is so playful and Miles ... ".
"Oh wow! Liam, tell me what your own six months child, Miles has done".
"He keeps disturbing our alone time, Anna, I haven't touched you in a week now".
"Okay fine". She laughed. "We'll have some alone tomorrow".
"Today". My lower lip protruded in a sulky pout.
"Hmm". She pretended to think about it and then she smiled. "Today. In a few hours from now".
"Then we better think of a way to get all these kids out of the penthouse!".
She giggled cutely and I pulled her closer to me inhaling her scent. Not until I heard something crash and a piercing scream.
"Ugh". Brianna pulled away. "Either Jayden just broke something or he's bullying Jana".
"Yeah, you should better go check on them".
"Oh wow. What a good father you are!".
I chuckled lightly. "You handle Jayden, Lili and Miles while I take care of Jana".
"How come you get the soft kid?".
Another sound of shattering glass again makes Brianna flee out the door. I laughed going behind her.
I got downstairs and walked straight to the kitchen to do the dishes when I stopped on seeing Jana.
She was actually trying to climb up to take the cookie jar at the top shelf.
"Hi, Daddy!". She smiled sheepishly.
"Angel! What are you doing?".
"I wanted to get cookies so I can bring them for you!".
"Nice try!".
"I want to eat 'me cookies, Daddy". She said pouting cutely.
God! She reminds so much of how Lili was when she was young.
But now all Lili cares about is looking good for boys and going out on dates. I can't even do anything to stop her and that sucks.
"I'll get it for you".
I stride towards the shelves and retrieve the cookie jar, dropping it on the counter but in the process, I bumped my big toe.
"Daddy!". Jana gasped bending down next to me. "I'll make it better".
I laugh as she places kisses all over my toe while I stare at her adoringly.
She looks so much like me, except for the eyes. She has my hair, my face and also my features but with Jayden, she has oceanic blue eyes.
Which makes them look cute by the way.
I swoop her six-year old self into my arms earning squeals and happy giggles while I tickle her tummy in addition.
"Daddy! Stop it!". She laughed wriggling in my arms trying to escape.
I chuckled, planting a kiss on her forehead, then her nose before her cheeks and placing her down on her feet on the floor.
"Dad! Again! Again! Again!". She squealed excitedly.
"No can do, Angel. Daddy has to do some work!". I said walking to the dishwasher. "I don't want Mommy to get annoyed with me ".
I stopped in my tracks hearing the bell at the front door ring and then followed by a loud knocking.
Oh Damn! It's ...
"It's Amaya!". Jana said sadly.
Amaya is the only child of Chloe and Lucas but that's gonna change because Chloe is finally pregnant again after six years and expecting her second child.
"What's wrong, Angel? Isn't Amaya your friend anymore?".
"She is! But whenever she's around, Jayden stops playing with you and plays with her instead".
"Well that's because your brother likes her".
"And because he's a douchebag".
"That is way true!". Jana giggled showing off her whole dentition.
"So go get the door for me, Angel!".
"Kk, Daddy". She chirped before zipping out of the kitchen immediately.
"Ah! Goo! Goo! Gaga!". I spoke gibberish words as Miles giggled in the bathtub.
He's just like his dad, same hair, same lips, same face, nose and eyes. Miles doesn't look like me one bit unlike Jayden and Jana.
"Who's my baby ?". I continued speaking to him even though I knew he couldn't understand.
He kept on giggling playing with his rubber ducky splashing water all over me but I did not even care anyways.
"Mom!". Lili's voice rang out loudly. "Where are you?".
"In here, baby!". I yell out.
I grabbed Miles out of the bathtub, drying him clean before wrapping him back into my arms.
"Lili!". I say as I get back into the room.
The door burst open and she walked in, she wore a gold jumpsuit and then a white shirt in it topping it with gold sandals.
"How do I look, Mom?".
"You look beautiful, baby as always". I told her to sit on the bed with Miles.
"It's ugly". She complained. "I've got to look great for this date with Noah but I can't seem to find any appropriate outfit".
"Lilliana, darling. What you wear doesn't matter and besides, you look beautiful in that".
"She looks more like a dork".
I roll my eyes just as Jayden says that while entering into the room grinning widely.
"Jayden!". I warned him. "You do not say that to your sister. Lili is beautiful, say that now".
"But you taught me not to lie". He replied mischievously.
I gasped. "Jayden !".
He chuckled and zoomed out of the room, I looked at Lili muttering an apology.
"That's okay, Mom. Jayden is a dork, I prefer Jana and besides, I got another baby brother".
I smiled as she walked towards me stretching out her arms and Miles giggled jumping up in my arms.
I handed him over to her and he showed off his toothless gum.
"Aww. You see, Mom. You actually gave birth to a reasonable son this time!".
I sighed softly. "Lili !".
"Just face it, Mom. Jayden acts like a total douchebag, completely".
"He acts like Amaya".
"Who acts like Aunt Chloe which makes pretty good sense though".
I rolled my eyes walking past her out the room door heading downstairs. I got there and met Lucas massaging Chloe's feet.
Yep, she's pregnant. Heavily pregnant.
"And done!". Liam said walking straight in from the kitchen drying his hands.
Hm. He actually did the dishes like I asked him to.
I looked around. "Where's Amaya?".
"She's probably with Jayden". Chloe suggested as she ate out of the ice-cream that Lucas got for her.
"Then where's Jana !".
"Probably with". Lucas trailed off realizing that she could be with them.
That's the thing. Amaya and Jana don't get along so well, they are total opposites.
A shriek could be heard from the backyard and Lucas immediately stood up going after the voice while Liam followed him.
"You're not going?". Chloe asked, glancing at me.
"Hey, Bes". I sat next to her. "How's the baby?".
"Brie, this pregnancy is taking a toll on me, oh jeez!".
I chuckled lightly. "Just hang on! Only a few months more".
"Yeah!. I feel tired, Brie, tell me a story, I don't want to sleep or are you busy ?".
"Lilliana is taking off Miles, Liam and Lucas are handling both Jayden and Amaya with Jana. So I'm pretty much free, Chloe ".
"Good!. So what romantic story are you going to tell me?".
A smile curved on my lips as she said that, what could be more romantic than Liam and I love story?
I smiled while speaking up. "Once Upon A One Nightstand ... ".

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