Chapter Three

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We arrived at the ceremony for James Norrington. Elizabeth and I started to fan ourselves, we weren't feeling the best because our corsets were too tight. Finally, the ceremony was getting underway. "Two paces, march!" "Right about.. face!" "Present... arms!" Lizzie and I were fanning ourselves faster but nothing seemed to help. "Whoever invented corsets must have really hated women," I thought, trying to ignore my increasing pain. I've never understood why women have to wear corsets anyway. I miss the day when I just had to wear a shirt and pants. Mostly though, I miss the days where I was by Jack Sparrow's side. I'd give anything to be by his side again, I've always felt that the life of a lady in Port Royal doesn't suit me.

After the ceremony, James approached Lizzie and I. She looped her arm through mine and I could tell that she wasn't going to let go no matter what. "May I have a moment?" James asked. "I don't feel comfortable going anywhere without my sister so Paige is coming too," She said. We tried to catch our breath as our corsets tightened. "I'm not sure how much more of this I can take." I thought and I knew that Elizabeth felt the same. "You look lovely, Elizabeth. You do as well, Paige," James said. "Thank you, James," I said. "Yes," Lizzie said. "I apologize if I seem forward, but I must speak my mind. This promotion throws into sharp relief that which I have not yet achieved. A marriage to a fine woman," James said. "Oh, here it comes. James, if you think that Lizzie is going to accept a proposal from you when she's in love with Will Turner... you're dumb," I thought.

"You have become a fine woman, Elizabeth. You have as well, Paige," He said. "I can't breathe," She said. "I can't either!" I said, the pain becoming too much. The next thing I knew, darkness overcame me. When I came to, I saw the man that I thought was done forever. "Jack," I breathed out. He smiled, "Yes, darling. Can you move at all?" "Move? You're alive! If you want, I can fly!" He hugged me tightly but I didn't care. All I cared about was the fact that the love of my life was alive. "I told you I would always come for you, Why didn't you wait for me?" Jack said. "I thought you were dead," I replied. "Death cannot stop true love, all it can do is delay it for awhile," He said. "I will never doubt you again." "There will never be a need," Jack whispered. Then he kissed me and I felt the happiest I've felt in years.

Then he looks at my sister and sees the necklace around her neck. "Where did you get that?" He asked. "On your feet." "Don't hurt him!" I begged. "Girls! Are you alright?" Father asked. "Yes, we're fine," We replied. "Shoot him!" "Father!" I begged. "Father! Commodore.. do you really intend to kill our rescuer and the man that my sister loves?" Lizzie said. I blushed at that. "Love? Paige, darling, you love this man?" He asked. I nodded, "Yes, father; I do," I replied. "I believe thanks are in order," James said. He and Jack shook hands but then James lifted up Jack's sleeve. "Had a brush with the East India Trading Company, did we? Pirate?" He asked. "Hang him," Father said. "No!" I cried. Lizzie brought me into her arms to try and comfort me. "Keep your guns on him, men. Gillette, fetch some irons. Well, well. Jack Sparrow, isn't it?" James said.

"Captain Jack Sparrow, if you please, sir," Jack said. "Well, I don't see your ship.. captain." "I'm in the market, as it were," Jack explained. "He said he'd come to commandeer one," A man said. "I told you he was telling the truth. These are his, sir." Then Jack's belongings were handed over to James. "No additional shots nor powder. A compass that doesn't point north. Wait, a second. Ah, so it's true. You and Paige Swann are in love!" James said. After hearing that, I can only assume that Jack's compass pointed to me. "And I half expected it to be made of wood. You are, without a doubt the worst pirate I've ever heard of," James said. "But you have heard of me," Jack said. That caused me to smile. "You haven't changed, Jack," I thought. "Commodore, I really must protest!" Lizzie said as I walked with her.

"Carefully, lieutenant." "Pirate or not, this man saved mine and Paige's lives!" Plus, he's in love with her!" She said. "One good deed is not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness!" James said. "With all do respect, James, You know nothing about Captain Jack Sparrow!" I said. "But it seems enough to condemn him," Jack said. "Indeed," When all the guns were off of him, Jack said, "Finally," Then he brought me into his arms. "No! Wait, don't shoot!" Father said. I wasn't worried because I knew that Jack would never hurt me. "Hello, my love. Together at last," Jack whispered seductively into my ear. "Commodore Norrington, my effects, please. And my hat. Commodore," Jack said. "Come with me, my darling, please?" he whispered. I nodded, not wanted to be parted from my love any longer.

"My love, if you'd be so kind. Come, dear, we don't have all day. Now, if you'll be very kind." I began to put jack's effects back where they belonged. Blushing the entire time and not caring about the fact that there were people watching us. Soon, I felt Jack smell my hair and kiss my cheek. "How I've missed you, Paige; my love. Easy on the goods darling." He said as I put his belt on him. "Gentlemen... my love.. You will always remember this as the day you almost caught... Captain Jack Sparrow!" Then Jack gently pushed me into my sister's arms. As Jack ran away, I thought, "So this is what it feels like to lose the man you love twice."

Hello everyone. Here is the latest chapter of my book. This chapter is dedicated to Hermionejgranger14

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