Chapter Six

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Later that night

I was finally able to fall asleep and I knew that my dreams were going to be filled with Jack.


I was laying down and when I opened my eyes, Jack was watching over me. "This is a dream." I said, knowing that he couldn't be here with me. He knelt down and whispered, "Then it is a good dream." Then he gave me a feather light kiss. "I know that look, darling. You're afraid that I won't find you and we'll never see each other again," Jack said. I nodded, tears silently rolling down my face. "Love, if you trust nothing else, trust this, trust us." Then he kissed my wedding ring finger. "I will find you, I always will," He said. Then Jack kissed me.

Finally, we reached Isla de Muerta. "Time to go, poppets." Mine and Lizzie's hands were tied up as Hector put the necklace around her neck. We were rowing into the cave and I held Elizabeth's hand, wanting to be close to my sister. I was terrified of what was to come. We went inside the cave where the chest laid with all of the cursed Aztec Gold. "Move." Lizzie and I were pushed to go to the top, where the chest was.

"Ten years of hoarding swag! And now we finally get to spend it! Once we're quit of the curse, we'll be rich men... and you can buy an eye what actually fits and is made of glass," I heard some of the crew talking. "This one does splinter something terrible!" "Stop rubbing it!" He said. "Oh!" "Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate." I heard someone say. "Jack!" I thought, happiness filling me. "For example, my treasure is that beautiful woman with short golden blond hair and sparkling blue eyes. Her eyes, they sparkle like the sea."

"Gentlemen, the time has come!" Hector said. "Hurrah!" The crew yelled. "Salvation is nigh!" "Yeah!" They shouted. "Our torment is near an end! For ten years, we've been tested and tried, and each man-jack of you here has proved mettle 100 times over. And 100 times again!" He said. "Yeah!" "Suffered, I have!" A man said. "Punished, we were, the lot of us, disproportionate to our crime!" Barbossa said.

"Right!" "Here it is." Then Hector lifted up the chest lid to reveal the gold. "The Cursed treasure of Cortes himself. Every last piece that went astray, we have returned. Save for this!" He said as he pointed to the necklace around Lizzie's neck. "Yeah!" The men cheered. "Despairing of ever finding the lass.  And who among us has paid the blood sacrifice owed to the heathen gods?" Hector said. "Aye!" The crew cheered.

"And whose blood must yet be paid?" He asked. "Hers!" "You know the first thing I'm going to do after the curse is lifted? Eat a whole bushel of apples!" Barbossa said. While he was distracted, I felt someone grab my arm... it was Jack! I smiled and was about to speak but Jack put his finger to his lips, silently telling me to stay quiet. "Began by blood, by blood undone," Hector said. All of the sudden, Will hit Jack over the head with an oar. "Will!" I whisper-yelled.

"Sorry, Paige. I'm not going to be Jack's leverage," He said. I rolled my eyes and immediately went to Jack to make sure he was all right. "That's it?" Lizzie asked, as she looks at the cut on her hand. "Waste not," Hector replied. "Did it work?" A man asked. "I don't feel no different." "How do we tell?" Hector took out his pistol and shot one of his crewmen. "You're not dead!" One of the other crewmen said. "No. He shot me!" "It didn't work! The curse is still upon us!"

All of the men started to complain. "You! Maid! Your father, what was his name? Was your father William Turner?" Barbossa demanded. Lizzie smirked and replied, "No." "Where's his child? The child that sailed from England eight years ago? The child in whose veins flows the blood of William Turner? Where?" He continued to demand answers. When Elizabeth continued to stay silent, she was slapped hard across the face.

I gasped and immediately ran to my sister's side. "Lizzie! Lizzie! Wake up!" When Elizabeth awoke, she hugged me. "Paige! Are you ok? How's Jack?" She asked. "I'm ok and so is he." "You two! You brought us the wrong person!" "Yeah!" "No! She had the medallion! She's the proper age!" The men tried to cover up their mistake. "She said her name was Turner. You heard her!" "I think she lied to us!" Someone said. "Yeah!" All of the crew agreed.

All of the sudden, the entire crew turned on Hector. "You brought us here for nothing!" "I won't take questionin' or second guesses, not from you, Mr. Twigg!" Hector said. "Who's to blame him? Every decision you made has led us from bad to worse!" "It was you who sent Bootstrap to the depths!" A man yelled. "Yeah!" The crew shouted in agreement. "And it's you who brought us here in the first place!"Another man said, drawing his sword.

Barbossa drew his sword as well. "If any coward here dare challenge me, let him speak!" No one said anything, too afraid to step up to Hector Barbosa. "I say, we cut her throat, and spill all her blood! Just in case." "Yeah! Yeah!" Men shouted in agreement. "The medallion! She's taken it! Get after her, you feckless pack of ingrates!" Barbossa ordered his crew. "Where's the oars?" "There's no oars!" The crew shouted. "The oars have gone missing! Find them!"

Jack and I appeared in front of the crew with one of the missing oars. "You!" "You're supposed to be dead!" "Am I not?" Jack asked. "I believe you are very much alive, love," I said. "Oh," He replied. Suddenly, we had pistols and knives drawn at us. "Puh-la-lem. Puh-la-lie-lay-lool. Pah-lee-nee...  parsnip... par-sley...par... partner, pardoner..." "Parley?" Someone guessed that that was what Jack was trying to say.

"That's the one! Parley! Parley!" He shouted. "Parley?!" "Damn to the depths whatever muttonhead thought up parley!" "That would be the French," Jack said. "How the blazes did you two get off that island?" Barbossa asked. "When you marooned my beautiful wife and I on that godforsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing, mate. I'm Captain Jack Sparrow," He said. "Ah, well, I won't be making that mistake... again. Gents, you all remember Captain Jack Sparrow and his beautiful wife, Paige?"

"Aye," They replied. "Kill him," Hector said. "No!" I yelled. "The girl's blood didn't work, did it?" Jack said. "I knew that Jack would get us out of this," I thought. "Hold your fire! You know whose blood we need?" He said. "I know whose blood you need," Jack replied.

Hello everyone. Here is the latest chapter of my book. This chapter is dedicated to Hermionejgranger14

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