Chapter Four

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Later that night

Lizzie and I were in her room. "There you go, miss. It was a difficult day for you two, I'm sure." "I suspected Commodore Norrington would propose, but I must admit, I wasn't entirely prepared for it," Lizzie said. "I meant Paige being threatened by that pirate! Sounds terrifying!" Our maid said. "He wasn't threatening me!" I said. "He loves me and would never hurt me." Lizzie rubbed my back, trying to comfort me.

"But... the Commodore proposed! Fancy that. Now that's a smart match, miss. If it's not too bold to say." "It is a smart match. He's a fine man. He's what any woman should dream of marrying," Elizabeth said. "Well, that Will Turner, he's a fine man, too." "That is too bold," I said. "Well, beggin' your pardon, miss. It was not my place." "Goodnight, Lizzie." I said as I left her room. "Goodnight, Paige. Sweet dreams," She replied. Lizzie and I woke up to see what was going on and saw fire and smoke.

I saw a ship that I never thought I'd see again... The Black Pearl. We ran and heard knocks on the door. "Don't!" We shouted as someone was about to open the door. Our pleas went unheard as the door was opened. "Hello, chum." Then the man was shot. Lizzie and I screamed and ran for cover. "Up there! Go!" "Miss! They've come to kidnap you both!" What?" We asked. "You're the governor's daughters! Also, Miss Paige is Captain Jack Sparrow's true love."

"In here!" "They haven't seen you. Hide, and the first chance you get, run to the fort!" I said. I grabbed my dagger and tried to fight one of the men. "Got ya! Haven't I?" Then Lizzie grabbed the bed warmer and tried to hit the man but it opened and hot coals fell out. "No! No! It's hot!" We saw that as our chance to get away. We hid in a closet and held our breath, praying that we wouldn't be found.

"We knew you're here, poppets. Poppets. Come out... and we promise we won't hurt you." Eh?" "We will find you, poppets. You've got something of ours, and it calls to us. The gold calls to us. The gold. Hello, poppets." The men said. "Oh, no. We've been found!" I thought, terrified. "Parley!" I said. "What?" "Parley. I invoke the right of parley. According to the code of brethren, set down by pirates Morgan and Bartholomew you have to take us to your captain," I explained.

"I know the code," He said. "If an adversary demands parley, you can do them no harm until the parley is complete," I explained. "To blazes with the code!" "They want to be taken to the captain." "And they'll go, without a fuss," He said. "We must honour the code." As Lizzie and I were being taken away, I saw Will. "Will!" I shouted. "Come on!" "Paige! Elizabeth!" Will shouted. We arrived at The Black Pearl and I immediately recognized Captain Hector Barbossa.

"I wonder if he'll recognize me," I thought. "I didn't know we was takin' on captives." "They've invoked the right of parley with Captain Barbossa," He said. "I am here to negotia-" I couldn't finish my sentence because I was slapped. "You will speak when spoken to!" I was told. "And ya will not lay a hand on those under the protection of parley," Hector said. "Aye, sir." When Hector looked at me, I could tell that he recognized me.

Because of our history though and the fact that he looked at me like a daughter, he wasn't going to say anything. "My apologies, miss," He said. "Captain Barbossa, my sister and I are here to negotiate the cessation of hostilities against Port Royal," Elizabeth said. "A lot of long words in there, miss. We are not but humble pirates. What is it that you and your sister want?" Hector said. "We want you to leave and never come back."

"I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request. Means 'no.' He said. "Very well. I'll drop it." Elizabeth said as she hung the necklace over the side of the ship. "Me holds are burstin' with swag! That bit of shine matters to us? Why?" Hector said. "It's what you've been searching for. I recognize this ship. Paige and I saw it eight years ago on the crossing from England!" She said. "Did you now?" "Fine. I suppose if it is worthless, then there's no point in keeping it. Do it, Lizzie!" I said.

"No!" "You have names, missy?" Hector asked us. "Elizabeth... Turner. I'm a maid in the governor's household." He nodded and then looked at me. "Paige Sparrow. I am also a maid in the governor's household." "Miss Turner! Miss Sparrow!" Hector said. "Turner!" "Sparrow!" "Bootstrap!" "Jack!" "And how do two maids come to own a trinket such as that? Family heirloom, perhaps?" He questioned us.

"We didn't steal it, if that's what you mean," I said. "Very well. You hand it over, we'll put your town to our rudder, and ne'er return," Hector said. Elizabeth thought it over and then handed the necklace over. "Our bargain?" She asked. "Still the guns and stow 'em. Signal the men, set the flags and make good to clear port." "Wait! You have to take us to shore. According to the code of the order of the Brethren..." I was cut off by Barbossa. "Your return to shore was not part of our negotiations nor our agreements, so I must do nothin'. Secondly, you must be a pirate for the pirate's code to apply, and you two are not, and thirdly... the code is more of what you'd call a guideline, instead of actual rules. Welcome aboard the Black Pearl, Miss Turner and Miss Sparrow," Hector said.

Hello everyone. Here is the latest chapter of my book. This chapter is dedicated to Hermionejgranger14

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