Interval 5 PART 3 - Rest

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After the events of the desert, 11B, Popola, Devola, the PODs and I returned to the resistance camp. The twins changed into their disguises, and with everyone ready, we searched for Anemone. As leader of the camp, she needs to know what happened.

We received surprised and curious looks upon entering the camp. I agree that our small group attracted attention.

We passed androids working and the usual merchants until we found Anemone, but we stopped on our way when we saw two Yorha androids talking to her.

The androids had their backs to us, each with a POD floating beside them. 11B's eyes widened and I immediately tapped her shoulder, catching her attention and pointing to an alley in the camp.

Nodding, 11B hid while I waved the PODs to follow me. As we got closer, we heard snippets of conversation.

"...Desert... Strange machine..." The male android spoke.

"PODs... Owned by Yorha... Unknown android..." The female android spoke.

"Anemone, is there a problem?" I asked innocently, making the three androids stop their conversation and look at me.

"Hello, Alan!" Anemone waved while smiling.

"Greetings, wait, you are the android that was in the desert!" The male android said surprised, pointing at me.

"More importantly, what are you doing with Yorha's property? Return them immediately." The female android demanded emotionlessly, stepping towards me, but there was firmness behind it.

I raised both hands and stepped back, seeing Devola and Popola ready to act out of the corner of my eye. Better to defuse this bomb before they blew up half the camp.

"Calm down, calm down, I think we got off to a bad start. How about I introduce myself first? My name is Alan, and you?" I asked offering a handshake and smiling friendly.

The android just stared into my eyes, I think. According to A2, the bands on Yorha android's faces are visors, they can see their surroundings perfectly. The male android broke the tense atmosphere, accepting the handshake with a nervous laugh and shaking my hand quickly, asking incessant questions.

"It is nice to meet you, sir! My name is 9S! In addition, you? Oh, Excuse me! You already introduced yourself! I am a big fan of your show! Do you mind if I ask you some questions? No? Excellent! What Android model are you? How old are you? What are your capabilities? How do you know the things you know? What is the Kingdom of the Night like? How are other countries in the world? Don't you have problems traveling with the machines wandering around?"

"9S!" The female android exclaimed.

"Sorry 2B, I was excited to meet him. There are so many things I would like to ask." 9S said to 2B.

Therefore, the android's name is 2B. The band covered part of her face, but I noticed a certain resemblance to A2. Is she a new model based on her? Her personality is completely different from A2, but at least 9S is friendlier.

"How about we do this later? I think you guys are in the middle of something important right now." I said to 9S.

"We're talking about the strange machines in the desert. You were there too, though, I don't see the androids that accompanied you."

"Don't worry, they're fine. Moreover, what do you mean by machines? Like more than one?"

"Oh! You did not stay until the end, the original machine created a machine similar to itself, and unfortunately, the two escaped. Why would such strange machines suddenly appear?"

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