Interval 5 PART 4 - Thinking About the Future & Correcting the Past

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Camellia walked through the streets, guided by Kokio and Florence; the two androids introduced her to the different places in the camp.

The trio of droids passed through dormitories, shops, merchants, mechanics, and more, groups of droids came and went, carrying out their various duties, soldiers patrolled the streets ensuring all was well or walked out of the camp to their watch shifts or patrol.

Mechanics went in and out of buildings, fixing equipment and making sure everything worked perfectly, computers, vehicles, and generators.

Sellers and merchants advertised their products; they negotiated and haggled with other androids, selling the most varied products, from combat weapons that weighed tons to simple trinkets.

As she walked, Camellia noticed some differences the deeper she went through the streets of the camp. The best way she could explain it was that the camp decorating changed with every turned corner.

Camellia passed through a bed of flowers of different colors and with colored stones making a mosaic, when seen from above the combination of flowers and stones formed a colored bar code.

Hanging from buildings were ropes with shapes hanging from them, but unlike the colorful flags in other areas of the camp, on these ropes were the shapes of animals and plants carved from wood, birds, wild boar, moose, and flowers.

"Surprised?" Florence asked.

"Y-yes, this place has changed a lot since I was last here."

"Agree, the new decoration helped to change the boring gray tone of the buildings, broke the monotony of everyday life, and sincerely helped to raise the morale of the camp, although this does not mean that we ignore our responsibilities."

Camellia realized what Florence meant, there was a group of androids training on a firing line, the targets being dead machines at different distances.

Passing in front of a building, Camellia took a quick look inside; she glimpsed androids wearing uniforms similar to Florence repairing several damaged androids.

There was another tent with a military appearance, with several androids discussing in front of a map on a table, around these androids there were others delivering documents and using radios and computers.

"You should have seen the day the decorations were put up, it was so much fun, and Anemone even lightened our workload so we could help out." Kokio said.

"Serious? She seemed a little strict to me."

"She's just like that because she cares about everyone in the camp, it's a huge blow to her systems every time news that someone has died to the machines reaches her." Kokio said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"Hm... I guess that is one of the burdens of being a leader. I just wish the Commander would show she cares."

"What did you say?"


"But tell me; are the casualties for the machines frequent?" Camellia asked.

A grimace formed on Kokio's face, as Florence shifted uncomfortably as she looked away.

"I'm sorry..." Camellia tried to speak but was interrupted by Florence.

"No, no problem. It is not confidential information, but everyone here has come to an unwritten agreement not to talk about it. To answer your question, yes, casualties are frequent, but not as much as they seem, it could be worse."

"What do you mean?"

"The biggest problem is the amount of machines, they are always in greater numbers, when they get too close to the camp, we can finish them off without a problem, we have enough fortifications, androids, and weapons for that, but when the androids patrol the city, well, that's another story."

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