Interval 6 PART 2 - Reunited Couple

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The space station known as BUNKER launched three drop pods toward the planet below, simultaneously, Commander White gave the mission briefing to the androids inside each pod via a holographic screen.

"I don't need to emphasize how important this mission is. There is an android on the planet broadcasting on an open channel; you must know whom I'm referring to. After all, watching broadcasts became a popular pastime at the BUNKER." Commander White said seriously, slapping her riding crop against the palm of her hand.

The androids in the pods nodded quickly, trying to hide their nervousness, thinking they were in trouble after watching the broadcasts.

"The android known as Alan presents knowledge of the highest level of secrecy, in addition, there is the possibility that he's a former high-ranking member of the Army of Humanity declared dead in the past. Simultaneously, forces from the Army of Humanity are moving toward Japan, including androids that once served alongside Alan. Your mission is to acquire information about the target either directly or through his former subordinates but be subtle this isn't an interrogation. In addition, try not to antagonize your target, if he's who we believe, I would rather not create a feud between the Army of Humanity and us. Did you understand?"

"Yes ma'am!" All the androids exclaimed simultaneously.

"Understood, this is the end of the briefing, glory to humanity!" Commander White spoke, placing her hand on her chest, above her heart.

"Glory to humanity!" The androids responded, repeating the gesture.

With a low hum and a flash of light, the holographic screen on the pods disappeared except for one.

"16D?" Commander White asked seriously.

"Yes ma'am?" 16D replied hesitantly.

"How do you feel since your model changed?" Commander White asked in a softer tone.

"All systems are working at one hundred percent efficiency, ma'am!" 16D responded.

"Perfect, you remember the orders I gave you, don't you?"

"Yes, ma'am, I must approach the target and the people close to him and question them without arousing suspicion. Moreover, if necessary... Eliminate the target and anyone who knows about the classified information..." 16D responded emotionlessly, swallowing hard as she said the last part.

"Exactly, but it's like I said before, don't antagonize him and only eliminate him in the most extreme of circumstances, we don't need to generate animosity with the Army of Humanity."

"Yes ma'am!"

"All right, that's the end of the transmission; I'll wait for your report upon reaching the surface, 16E."

"Yes ma'am..." 16E, replied in a low tone, falling silent as the transmission ended, covering the interior of the capsule in darkness.


-City in Ruins-

"Camellia, are you sure about this?" I asked the android next to me as we walked towards the resistance camp.

"Yes! No! Perhaps! Probably! What were we talking about?" Camellia responded nervously, changing her expression with every word she said.

"Calm down and together we will review the current situation, you managed to contact 16D in the BUNKER and asked to meet her at a specific location, right?"

"Not exactly, I spoke to a resistance android who is friends with a Yorha android who came into contact with 16D." Camellia replied looking away embarrassed.

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