Chapter 12: Already?

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Dixie's POV:
Noah and I went up to our room. "Okay, Babe I'm really sorry but I need to go to a really really really important meeting. I'll be back in like an hour so you can do what you want." Noah told me. I nodded and then I gave him a kiss on the lips. He kissed back and then left. I decided to try and take a nap because I felt really tired for some reason, to be honest I felt more tireder than I ever had felt before. I fell asleep perfectly fine for about maybe and hour at the most and then I woke up with a sharp pain in my stomach. I honestly thought I was having a miscarriage. I didn't dare move a single inch of my body incase a dead baby popped out of me. But thankfully, by some miracle Noah's meeting had finished and he had come upstairs. He gasped when he saw me. "Oh my goodness Baby are you okay?" He asked with the most worried expression on his face. I literally couldn't say anything so I just carried on breathing to soothe the pain. Noah moved over a chest of drawers to reveal a black button. He pushed it and then a lady Doctor came into the room. "Your Majesty Noah Beck you asked for me." She said professionally. "Yolanda, Dixie's pregnant as you know, but for so,e reason she's in some sort of excruciating pain." Noah told her. "Okay, Dixie do you mind if I take a look into your vagina?" She asked. I nodded. I very carefully bent my knees with the help of Noah. She looked. "Um, Your Majesties, please don't panic but Dixie I think your going to give birth in a couple of minutes." The Doctor said. My eyes widened. "What already, I only found out I was pregnant two weeks ago." I said still taking deep breaths. "Don't worry, from the looks of it, it's going to be a healthy baby, it's the right way up and it's the first premature baby I've seen where it's perfectly fine." She reassured me. I nodded. "Alright, I'm going to go get a sleep suit and some blankets and towels and hats for when the baby is born, in the meantime Noah can you please help Dixie into her nightgown or whatever she doesn't mind getting covered in blood and baby goo." She said to Noah. Noah nodded. She went out of the room and then Noah got me dressed in my nightgown that looked like this:

 She went out of the room and then Noah got me dressed in my nightgown that looked like this:

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As soon as Noah had finished changing me, the Doctor came back in. "Okay Dixie, I'm going to have you give me small gentle pushes, and then I'll tell you to go a little bit harder if I feel like we're not getting anywhere." She said. I nodded and then Noah held out his hand for me to hold. I started pushing. "That's it Dixie, that's perfect, just keep on doing that three more times and your baby will be here." She said. She was as true as her word, right after three more pushes our baby was here! Those pushes were full of pain, sweat, and a lot of me breaking the bones in Noah's hand. As soon as I heard the little cry, let me tell you it was the most relieving thing ever. I started tearing up happy tears and I also saw two big fat tears escape from both Noah's eyes too. Noah gave me repeated kisses on my forehead and then the Doctor exclaimed; "Congratulations, you have a beautiful baby girl!" Noah gave me a massive kiss on the lips and then he went to see our little angel. He took his shirt off because the Doctor said that it might help create a bond between him and the baby. Then, he brought her over to me and put her head in between my breasts. "Hi my beautiful baby girl." I cooed softly to her. She nuzzled her head closer to my chest. She gave a tiny baby noise in response. "Aw are you talking already big girl?" I asked cooing again. Noah came over to me and gave me another big kiss. "I love you." I said to him. "I love you so so so so so much more." He replied. I took a picture of our little angel that looked like this:

 I took a picture of our little angel that looked like this:

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