Chapter 8

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James was surprised when Winn led him into some kind of underground bunker that looked like an old government base. A theory that was only confirmed when he saw the old faded DEO logo on the walls.

"What is this place?" James asked.

"A gift from J'onn. This place was the DEO's primary base here in Metropolis." Winn said.

"I didn't know the DEO had a presence in Metropolis?" James asked.

"That's because it was built during the original Hank Henshaw's regime at the DEO and knowing what we know about him, I'll give you one guess what this base's purpose was." Winn said and James sighed.

"Let me guess, finding ways to kill Superman?" James asked.

"Of course, that wasn't the official reason. From what J'onn told me, this base's official purpose was meant solely to study Superman and his abilities, along with containing any aliens Superman fought. But of course, we both know that was just a cover for Henshaw using this place to study Superman to find the best ways to kill him. Fortunately, J'onn replaced him before he could put those plans into effect. From what J'onn told me, after he discovered this base's true purpose, he had this DEO base decommissioned and turned all its data over to Superman, since this was before they had their falling out. He gave it to us to use as our base." Winn said and James grinned.

"It'll need some renovations and it's not like we can use a bunch of Kord Industries manpower to fix that." James said.

"That's what we have the DEO for, not to mention Argus and of course, Brainy." Winn said.

"So, you know for sure that he's in this time period?" James asked.

"Yeah, J'onn confirmed it, but I wanted to show you this place before we started making any plans." Winn said and James nodded.

"Oh hey, does your ring have a communication feature in it or am I going to need to give you comms?" Winn asked.

"Both. My ring does have a communication function, but it only accesses a restricted frequency for Green Lanterns only. I'm not allowed to let anyone else access it, since it's for emergencies only." James said.

"Makes sense. Especially since I do not want to hear everything that happens in the Corp." Winn said.

"Good idea. But anyways, before you go wherever you're going, I need to know what you did with my old Guardian suit." James asked.

"It's in storage, why? It's not like you need it?" Winn asked.

"I don't, but I can think of someone else who does." James said.

"Your sister." Winn said, since he'd met Kelly a few times in this reality.

"Kelly's even more of a hero than I ever was, especially since she's an actual veteran. It's only a matter of time before Kelly takes up the shield, especially since she'll be spending so much time around Kara and Alex, speaking of which, I need to talk to Kara and tell her that she needs to tell Kelly her identity, since Kelly is just as trustworthy as I am." James said and Winn nodded.

"Agreed. But anyways, I will start making some modifications to your old armor so that it will fit Kelly and I've also got some new ideas inspired from my time in the 31st century. I think Kelly will really like some of the ideas I've got for it and I think that Brainy will definitely want to make his own touches to it." Winn said and James smiled.

"I can't wait to see what you come up with. But in the meantime, are we at least wired into Metropolis's police surveillance system so that we can monitor the city the same way Superman did?" James asked.

"Yes, but honestly, I think that you should do what Kara did when she was first starting out. Start small and as you gain Metropolis's trust, then start growing bigger. After all, it took Superman a while to fully earn the city's trust." Winn said and James nodded, since that made sense as he put his ring on.

"Well, I better get started." Jame said and Winn grinned as he watched Jame's Green Lantern uniform materialize.

"That's so cool." Winn said and James grinned as Winn handed him a comms device.

"I'll run mission control from here, I'll let you know if there's anything else that needs your attention." Winn said and James nodded as his mask appeared.

"Time to get to work." Green Lantern said as he flew out of their base.

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