Chapter 22

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Sinestro was currently traveling across the stars to the one planet where he knew he could have an advantage over the Green Lanterns. The planet where his power had been forged in the first place. The planet Qward. The weaponers there had helped him once, hopefully they could do so again. Plus, the entire planet was yellow, which meant that a Lantern would be powerless.

It had taken him a while to shake off the pursuits of his former protege Hal Jordan and his wife Carol Ferris, but now he was finally heading to Qward.

"Home sweet home." Sinestro said with a grin as he landed on Qward's surface, as he used his ring to scan the planet for anything that might give him an edge. Anything the Weaponers might have left behind as he made his way back to the cave that contained the yellow power battery that powered his ring, just like how the battery on Oa powered all the Green Lantern rings in the universe. If the Guardians ever discovered that it was hidden here, he could be in trouble, since even though Green Lantern rings were powerless against the color yellow, he wouldn't put it past the Guardians to find a way around that.

But more importantly, the main reason he was here was because his ring was almost out of power and was in desperate need of a recharge. Which was why he was now standing in front of the battery and placed his ring on the glowing yellow light and began to recite the oath he'd programmed the rings to recharged with.

"In Blackest day, In Brightest night, beware your fears made into light. Let those who try to stop what's right burn like his power, Sinestro's might!" Sinestro said as he felt his ring recharge to full power before he began to inspect the rest of the cave network to see what else the Weaponers had been left behind, only to find that they had not left any other weapons behind when they'd left.

However, he found something else of interest. It looked like the Weaponers had left behind a message. A story. A story that told where they came from and how they got here. Something that immediately got Sinestro's interests, since he thought that this might tell him of a place he could hide from the Green Lantern Corps until he was ready to launch his attack on them.

And he was right. According to this, the weaponers originated from a universe that was different from their own. A universe that was actually the opposite of this one, since while this universe was made up of matter, the Weaponer's universe was made up of antimatter. Qward served as a gateway between the two universes, which was how the Weaponers had made their way to this universe, though they never stayed long to avoid drawing the Guardians' attention.

"How do I get there?" Sinestro asked, thinking that escaping from this universe would be perfect for him. Sure he knew nothing about this antimatter universe, but he knew that the Guardians weren't there, which meant that they wouldn't follow him.

His ring began to glow as suddenly it projected a hologram of one of the weaponers.

"Hello Sinestro. If you are seeing this message, then you have discovered the true purpose of this ring. We created it to serve as a key to our universe, our master wants to meet you. Your ring can open a door to our universe and allow you to travel back and forth between it and your own universe, along with protecting you from the elements of our world. Your ring and the battery that powers it can open the door and bring this whole planet through." the Weaponer said as the hologram faded.

"Interesting. I think I just found the new homeworld for the Sinestro Corps. Now, I just need to figure out how to get this planet to the antimatter universe." Sinestro said as his ring revealed a hidden gate underneath the battery and he realized that he needed to supercharge the battery to power up the gateway, which is why he raised his hand up towards the battery and began to blast it with his yellow energy, causing the battery and the gateway underneath it to begin to glow. The more energy he charged it up with, the more of the planet began to glow until finally he was blinded by the large flash of yellow light as he felt the planet shift before he blacked out from exhaustion due to the amount of energy that opening the gateway had required.

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