Chapter 11

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"Well, it sounds like congratulations are in order for you Green Lantern James Olsen." Ganthlet said after James had finished making his report.

"Really, even though Sinestro got away?" James asked.

"But you prevented him from succeeding at destroying your world or killing or corrupting you. And for your first real mission, the fact you survived an encounter by someone corrupted by the power of yellow energy is impressive." Another Guardian said.

"Sinestro is trying to recruit more lanterns to his cause. You should warn the others to be prepared for him to attack their homeworlds like he did mine." James said and Ganthlet nodded.

"We will put out an alert immediately for all Green Lanterns to be prepared and we'll let Hal Jordan know to start investigating the homeworlds of the other lanterns. We cannot risk Sinestro corrupting any of our other lanterns, though perhaps you should start training them." another Guardian said.

"Me? But I'm the newest member of the Corp. What could I possibly be able to teach the more experienced members?" James asked.

"The thing that allowed you to defeat Sinestro today. You and Hal Jordan were both able to succeed in fights that other Lanterns lost because of one crucial thing. You both know how to think like humans. Your thought process is remarkably adaptive and creative, both of which are very valuable tools for a Green Lantern. And it's your unpredictability and even your recklessness allow you to see paths to victory the other Lanterns cannot. Your humanity allows you to fight in ways that other Lanterns can't. At least not yet. We spent so long enforcing a code of discipline into our training programs that we never thought that such a human flaw could prove to be so valuable." Ganthlet said.

"To be fair, aside from Hal and I, you've never really given humans a chance. You always assumed they were beneath you, which honestly is a trait that's way too common in the galaxy, even though I can't help but think that countless alien races tend to come to our home planet for asylum." James pointed out.

"Fair point. It's possible that maybe we've been too critical towards Earth." Appa Ali Apsa, another Guardian, said.

Rather than push his luck, James just nodded, knowing that was likely the most he'd ever get out of the Guardians.

"Anyways, I can work with Kilowog, see if he'd be willing to learn, since he's the one who normally handles that kind of thing." James said and the Guardians nodded in agreement, right as Tomar Re, the Green Lantern of sector 2814, rushed in.

"Pardon the interruption, but there is a spacecraft headed for Oa and it appears to be very damaged." Tomar said.

"You and Lantern Olsen will take whatever Lanterns are currently on Oa to slow the ship's descent to help better the odds of whoever is in it surviving." Ganthlet said and James and Tomar both nodded as Tomar sent out a message out to all other Green Lanterns on Oa to assist.

"It looks like some kind of Thanagarian cruiser." James said as he and the other Green Lanterns flew up to the ship.

"Send word to high command to have one of the Lanterns from sector 2682 come here. But first, catch that ship to make sure it doesn't destroy the city or anything else on Oa." Tomar Re said as he, James and the other lanterns, including Kilowog and Boodikka, used their rings to slow the ship's descent and guided it to the outskirts of the planet, away from the city and more importantly, away from the Green Lantern power battery and brought it in for a landing.

"The ship is secured. But let's hold off on contacting any other Lanterns until we know exactly what's going on here." James said as he flew towards the hatch of the ship and used his ring to open it.

"According to our scans, there appear to be two lifeforms on the ship and they're alive, but they're in some kind of stasis." Tomar said as he joined James.

"Well, whoever they are, it looks like they took a hell of a lot of damage." James said as they investigated, using their rings to scan the ship for the lifeforms.

"I got something." Tomar said as he led James towards the back of the ship and found two cryostasis pods.

"We need to figure out how to wake these people up without killing them." James said and Tomar nodded, since mechanical stuff like this wasn't really their strong suit, so they'd need to call in a Lantern who was.

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