Chapter 30

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When Green Lantern's team arrived at the Kord Industries building, they found the OMAC waiting for them.

"Wow, this thing is even uglier in person than it was on the monitors." Hawkgirl said and Green Lantern chuckled.

"You're not wrong. But that doesn't matter. What does matter is that we take this thing down while still making sure it can tell us how Victoria built that suit." Green Lantern said.

"I'm already working on it. The Scarab's AI is working on hacking into the OMAC's system as we speak. Hopefully once Khaji Da cracks it, we can get some answers." Blue Beetle said.

"What do you need?" Jenny asked.

"As much time as you can buy me. We need to keep him occupied for as long as we can." Blue Beetle said.

"You heard the man. But we need to keep the people safe. Let's take this fight to the sky, where fewer people can get hurt. Hawks, Ember and I will play decoy, strike and retreat, keep this guy distracted. Blue Beetle, let us know when you've got what you need." Green Lantern said, calling Jenny Ember, since that's what they'd decided to call her on Earth, since having two heroes in the same city using the same name would get confusing, so she'd chosen a different name. In the Corp Jenny would still be referred to as a Green Lantern like all the others, but Earth, she was Ember. The only reason James could call himself Green Lantern was because Hal operated in Coast City, not in Metropolis with them.

"Copy that. Now let's do this." Blue Beetle said as Green Lantern proceeded to blast the OMAC with his ring, causing it to turn around.

"Well, well, I was wondering when you'd show up. You ruined everything for me when you exposed my plans." The OMAC said in a familiar female voice. A voice that was familiar to Ember at least.

"What are you talking about? I've never seen you before in my life." Green Lantern said, since OMAC's face was covered by a helmet.

"Perhaps this will jog your memory." OMAC said as she retracted her helmet to reveal the face of none other than Victoria Kord.

"Victoria Kord." Green Lantern said.

"Miss me?" Victoria asked.

"What have you done?" Ember asked, looking at her aunt in horror, since it was as if she'd finally become the monster she'd always been, but Jenny had never seen her aunt as the type to get her own hands dirty. That's what she paid other people to do, though considering her bank account had been frozen, maybe she didn't have a choice.

"What's that old saying, if you want something done right, do it yourself?" Victoria said smugly, right as the Blue Beetle collapsed.

"What is happening?" he asked as suddenly his systems began to go crazy.

"Warning, foreign malware is attempting to hack our operating system." Khaji Da said in alarm.

"Beetle, talk to me." Green Lantern said as he got down to help his friend.

"Something's hacking my suit." Blue Beetle said in alarm.

"Did you really think that being able to access my armor was just a lucky accident?" Victoria said as Ember realized what was going on.

"She let Blue Beetle access her gear to open up a two way connection that she's using to steal the scarab's code." Ember said.

"A trojan horse maneuver." Green Lantern said.

"I figured why bother continuing trying to steal the scarab the hard way when I could trick him into letting me in so I can take it with ease." Victoria said.

"We need to stop her before she finishes downloading that code." Ember said and Green Lantern nodded.

"Hawkgirl, guard Blue Beetle, since you're the only one of us with advanced medical training in the field, Hawkman, you're with Ember and I, we need to take her down before she finishes." Green Lantern said as both Hawks nodded and readied their weapons.

"What happens if she does finish her download?" Hawkman asked.

"Once the Scarab's code is uploaded, the OMAC will become fully operational and fully weaponized and she'll be even harder to stop. We just need to hope that her armor hasn't fused to her like Blue Beetle's has to him." Ember said.

"Did you hear that Nest?" Green Lantern asked their base over the comms.

"Yeah, running scans now and it looks like Victoria's suit is not fused to her like Winn's is, which means that if you can separate her from it, it won't kill her. But you need to hurry. Oracle and I are tracking the progress of the data transfer and it's moving quickly and Beetle's vitals are fluctuating. Hawkgirl, bring him back here. Maybe if he's further away, it will slow down the download." Ted said over the comms.

"On it." Hawkgirl said as she picked up Blue Beetle and flew away, leaving the others to deal with Victoria.

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