Chapter 23

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When Sinestro came too, he found himself in the presence of a very ugly figure dressed in grey and purple armor.

"Who are you?" Sinestro asked.

"Thaal Sinestro, I have been waiting for you for a long time. I am Mobius, but you may address me as the Anti-Monitor. Supreme Ruler of the AntiMatter Universe." Mobius said as Sinestro noticed his wounds

"What happened to you?" Sinestro asked.

"The result of rash and reckless actions. Unlike you, I did not choose to be in this universe. I was banished here and my injuries as the results of my hasty attempts to attack the last time I was freed. Now I am taking a different approach. One that involves you." Mobius said.

"I'm guessing that even with those wounds, you're still more than powerful enough to kill me?" Sinestro asked.

"Good, you're smarter than I thought. However, the barrier that keeps me trapped here has been reinforced to prevent anything composed of antimatter like I am from crossing over to your universe again. But you still can. Everything about you is composed of positive matter, so you can return to your universe whenever you'd like and in doing so, you will serve as my proxy. Or well, one of them." Mobius said.

"And what would that entail?" Sinestro asked, wanting to know what the weaponers had gotten himself into.

"You and any other acolytes you recruit will start trying to weaken the barrier that keeps me held prisoner here and you prepare the universe for my return. In exchange, I will allow you to keep your base of operations in my realm and you will have access to all resources within it, including the weaponers. And when I return to the universe to take my revenge, I promise that you and your subordinates will have prime positions in my new empire." Mobius said.

"Really. And I'm assuming that some of my employees would also be required to work security for you from anyone in this universe who might see your weakened state and be dumb enough to try and take your throne?" Sinestro asked, since this was a situation he'd seen all the time when he was a Green Lantern.

"You're even smarter than I thought. I'd offer you that honor, but you strike me as someone who prefers working on the frontlines." Mobius said.

"If you can provide me with more of the yellow element needed to create the rings, then yes, I will work with you, not for you." Sinestro said, since he was not going to set himself up to be simply a soldier again.

"You seem to think you are my equal. Do not forget your place. Especially since you have sought refuge in my realm. I can be a tremendous ally to you, so long as you remember your place." Mobius said and Sinestro sighed, but nodded, knowing not to push his luck.

"Very well. But can I at least be the one to choose and approve all recruits to the Sinestro Corps and you'll provide me aid in my war against the Guardians?" Sinestro asked.

"Of course. After all, the Guardians and their pathetic soldiers, the Green Lanterns, must be removed before I can attack. However, I would like you to recruit the forces of the Reach to my side. They already have an army standing by and will buy you the time needed to build your own. I want our forces to be large enough that we can overwhelm my counterpart in the positive matter universe and any forces he might have before they can organize a real counterattack." Mobius said and Sinestro nodded, since that did make sense. Besides, he was no longer a Green Lantern and allying himself with enemies of the Corp could only be helpful for him.

Meanwhile, back on Oa, Hal Jordan was informing the Guardians of Sinestro's disappearance.

"Carol and I have searched every known place in the universe and our rings are no longer detecting Sinestro's energy. It's as if he's vanished from the universe." Hal said.

"That is because he has." Ganthet said.

"What do you mean?" Hal asked.

"We sensed a momentary disruption in the galaxy. A tear between our universe and another. And not just any universe. One that is beyond our reach." Ganthet said.

"What do you mean?" Hal asked.

"Sinestro has somehow fled to the Antimatter universe, a place that contains the worst of the worst and a place where Green Lantern rings are nearly powerless. Sinestro likely fled there because he knew that we would not be able to follow. We can only hope that the other prisoners there will deal with him for us." Ganthet said.

"So the antimatter universe is kind of like the phantom zone?" Hal asked, since Clark had told him about Fort Rozz.

"Yes, but only the most dangerous villains are sent there." Ganthet said.

"Can I ask who?" Hal asked.

"A of them include vile space criminals such as Krona, the Shadow Demons, the Weaponers of Qward, Anti-Matter Man and the worst of the worst, the ruler of the AntiMatter Universe, the Anti-Monitor." Ganthet said.

"Hopefully one of them will deal with him for us, but we should prepare in case he survives." Hal said.

"And we will. But for now, return to earth and return to your normal duties. If Sinestro returns, we will inform you. Though I can tell that you're hesitant." Ganthet said.

"I made a commitment to the Corp when I joined, but I'm not as young as I used to be and I've had to spend a lot of time away from home. And before I didn't used to mind, but now Earth has James to protect it. I think that once Sinestro is locked up for good, I'm going to officially retire from the Corp to spend more time with my wife." Hal said.

"We understand and this decision is not unexpected." Ganthet said as he dismissed Hal to return to Earth.

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