Chapter 24

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Jenny Kord was currently flying in her family's private jet back from Palermo City to Metropolis, since not only was her father finally going to start grooming her to take control of their company Kord Industries, since he was getting up there in years and wanted to pass on the mantle of CEO to her, but she was also moving back to Metropolis so that she could avoid her now ex-boyfriend, Jaime Reyes, since their breakup had been messy, but she wasn't going to think about that now. She was going to focus on her future, which would involve her becoming the new CEO of Kord Technologies and hopefully learning about this new Blue Beetle, since she was positive that her father had something to do with that, since she knew that he'd been the previous one. She was also looking forward to finding a way to expose her aunt for the criminal she was, since Victoria Kord had always been an iron monger and she did not take well to her father's decision to end weapons development, while she approved of it.

However, Jenny was pulled from her thoughts when she heard an explosion on the place and felt it start jerking around and begin descending downwards.

"What the hell?" Jenny asked as she got out of her seat and rushed up to the cockpit to find that the explosion had also knocked out the pilot.

"Seriously." Jenny said as she gently moved the pilot to the floor before she took his headset and took his seat, since in addition to her business courses, she also had flight training and could fly most types of conventional aircrafts.

"Mayday, mayday, this is flight Kord-235, we've experienced severe engine damage and my pilot is out cold. I'm going to attempt an emergency landing, but all nearby aircrafts should steer clear." Jenny said, only to find that communications were jammed.

"Brilliant. This has Aunt Vic written all over it. Trying to take me out before she makes any move against my dad." Jenny said as she attempted to salvage to the flight and tried to use the radar to find a place to at least try a water landing and she was so focused on trying to find a way to save both herself and the pilot and trying to keep a cool head that she didn't even notice a bright green light heading straight for her, right as the plane exploded.

"Ted, we're approaching the crash site now. How far out are emergency responders?" Green Lantern asked as he, the Hawks and their newest field agent, Blue Beetle, flew out to where the Kord Family jet had crashed. Thankfully the jet had exploded over a forest, so there weren't any reports of anyone else getting hurt and while the jet had blown up, large chunks of it had stayed intact, so there was a chance that Jenny had survived.

"About 20 minutes. Please try and make sure Jenny is still alive." Ted said.

"We'll do everything we can to save her." Blue Beetle said as they approached the crater that the cockpit of the plane had crashed in while the rest of the plane had landed about a mile away.

Green Lantern, Hawkman and Hawkgirl all landed next to the crater gracefully, Blue Beetle gently crashed next to them.

"Still working on the landings." Blue Beetle said as he heard his so-called friends laughing.

"We noticed. Now fan out and search for any trace of survivors. Blue Beetle, make sure your scanners are searching for the slightest or faintest life sign." Green Lantern said, right as his ring began to warble.

"What does that mean?" Blue Beetle asked as Green Lantern's eyes looked confused through the slit in his helmet.

"It looks like my ring is detecting the presence of another lantern ring nearby, but even though Hal is back on world, there's no way he could've gotten here so quickly, especially since we didn't call him in." Green Lantern said.

"Do you think there's a new Lantern among us?" Hawkman asked.

"It's possible, but I feel like the Guardians would've sent me a heads up." Green Lantern said, though he didn't sound sure of that, since he wouldn't put it past the Guardians to have neglected to do so.

"So now there's a new Green Lantern ring on this planet? Do you think it's found a user yet?" Hawkgirl asked.

"I don't know. But I don't think it's a coincidence that a new ring just happened to show up now. Especially with the threat of Sinestro still being imminent." Green Lantern said as Hawkgirl noticed something in the distance.

"Look." Hawkgirl said, pointing over towards the wreckage where they all saw a bright green light flashing from under some debris.

"Be on your guard." Green Lantern said as he powered up his ring, Hawkman readied his mace, Hawkgirl pulled out her sword and Blue Beetle generated a blaster from his arm as they moved over to the source of the light, only to it burst out in the form of a female Green Lantern blasting all the debris away and flying up a few feet before landing.

"What the hell just happened to me?" the woman asked.

"Jennifer Kord?" Green Lantern asked, since her uniform was more standard issue and she only had a mask, not a full helmet like his.

"Who are you?" Jenny asked, trying to figure out what was going on before she noticed the Blue Beetle.

"You're the one using my father's name?" Jenny asked.

"Kind of. It's a long story." Blue Beetle said as James retracted his helmet so Jenny could see his face.

"It looks like you've been chosen like I was to be a Green Lantern. And now I need you to come with me for the answers I know you want." James said as he used his ring to open a portal to Oa.

"Where are we going?" Jenny asked, since while she'd heard of a Green Lantern before, she still wanted to know where she was going.

"The headquarters of the Green Lantern Corp Oa. The Guardians who made both our rings have some explaining to do, since another Lantern on this planet is always welcome, but I think we need more information why." James said.

"Okay then, let's go." Jenny said and James nodded as he led her through the portal.

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