Chapter 32

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"How did the Guardians react to you telling them about Sinestro's latest move?" Winn asked James when he returned from Oa.

"They're more concerned about why we can't track him. Every lantern in every sector has orders to search for him, and yet this is the first time we've found him in months." James said.

"That's a solid concern, considering how dangerous that madman is." Carter said.

"True and I'd like to know how he disappears without leaving a trace. We should be able to track his ring's yellow energy signature just like my ring's green one." James said.

"Wait, that gives me an idea." Winn said as he went over to the computers.

"I guess he's fully recovered from Victoria hacking his systems. I'm still surprised she was willing to get her hands dirty and I don't get why building the OMAC was so important to her. Especially when she knew we were onto her in the first place." James said.

"I actually did some digging and I think I found out why." Barbara said as she wheeled up.

"What do you mean?" Ted asked.

"I did some digging and it turns out that Victoria was so desperate to get the OMAC program going that she sunk basically everything she had into it. If it failed, she would've lost everything. And since her crimes were being exposed, she was gonna lose it anyways." Barbara said.

"I'm guessing her original plan was to take me out of the picture in that plane crash and then while dad was busy grieving, she'd orchestrate a coup to remove him from the company to take control of Kord Industries, which she could use to rush to human trials." Jenny said.

"Sounds about right." Ted said, not even surprised about his sister's schemes.

"But if she was broke, how did she build that prototype in the first place? That requires money and access to a lab and other resources." Cheryl said.

"Well, I'm sure that the remnants of Victoria's suit are on their way to Metropolis PD lock up. Maybe the commissioner could try and get us some forensics so that our resident geniuses might be able to pull some information from it." James said.

"I'll see what I can do." Barbara agreed, right as the computers beeped.

"I think I've got something." Winn said.

"What do you have?" James asked.

"I think I figured out how Sinestro not only escaped, but also how he's been hiding from everyone else. I analyzed the energy signature of his departure and it wasn't just a teleportation. The energy signature was almost identical to the energy burst we detected when Carter and Cheryl arrived in our universe." Winn said.

"Wait, are you saying that he actually opened a breach to another dimension?" James asked, since that would explain a lot.

"Yeah. That's how he's stayed hidden. Somehow his ring has the power to pierce the barrier between dimensions." Winn said.

"Wait, do you think our rings can do that?" Jenny asked, looking down.

"I don't know. But even if we can, now's not the time to practice. If Winn's right, we need to figure out which dimension Sinestro is hiding in." James said.

"That seems like something the Guardians should handle, I think that searching alternate dimensions is more their speed." Winn said.

"Agreed. I'll head back to Oa to let them know." James said.

Meanwhile, at the same time this was happening in the antimatter universe, Sinestro had Victoria Kord in restraints.

"What do you want with me?" Victoria asked as she struggled against the pain of her restraints.

"For you to calm down and maybe thank me for saving your sorry ass back there." Sinestro said.

"But why?" Victoria asked.

"Simply put, you have skills that can be useful to me." Sinestro said.

"And why would I work with you?" Victoria asked.

"For me. You are not my equal Victoria Kord. But simply put, I can give you the power you crave and so much more." Sinestro said as he produced a device that caught Victoria's eye.

"Is that what I think it is?" Victoria asked as Sinestro used his ring to release her.

"Did you really think that Khaji Da was the only scarab in the universe? I think you'll find this one far more cooperative. Especially considering the color it is." Sinestro said, since while Khaji Da was blue, this scarab was the same shade of yellow as his ring.

"You think this will work for me?" Victoria asked as she tentatively took it in her hands.

"After some modifications, which is where your skills as a scientist will come in handy. Combining this technology with this." Sinestro said as he revealed another yellow ring.

"The power to crush both Blue Beetle and Green Lantern. I am in. As long as I'm in charge of your operation's science division." Victoria said.

"Deal. You'll have full access to any resources you need in this universe." Sinestro said, right as the yellow scarab activated and bonded to Victoria.

"This should be fun." Victoria said with a grin, since now she finally had everything she'd wanted.

"You'll need time to train so you know what you're doing the next time you get into a fight." Sinestro said.

"Let me sort out what you wanted me to do first. Let me be a scientist before you turn me into a soldier." Victoria said and Sinestro nodded.

"Then get to work." Sinestro said.

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