Chapter 25

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"James Olsen, I see you've discovered our little surprise." Ganthet said when James and Jenny entered the Guardians' chamber on Oa.

"A little heads up that you were assigning a new Green Lantern would've been nice." James said.

"We thought it would be better to surprise you. Besides, with Hal Jordan preparing to retire his ring, your sector would need another Lantern to help protect it." Ganthet said.

"But I'm surprised that you picked another human." James said.

"Your kind have proven surprisingly resilient and you and Hal Jordan have become the best lanterns the Corp has ever seen. It's clear that perhaps we underestimated humanity and we want to see what else they can do." Ganthet said.

"I'm sorry, what is going on?" Jenny asked.

"Our apologies Ms. Kord. We allowed ourselves to get distracted by Mr. Olsen. Welcome to Oa." Ganthet said.

"What is this place?" Jenny asked.

"It's the homeworld of an intergalactic police force called the Green Lantern Corps, which you are the newest member." James explained.

"My dad told me about the Corp. Apparently there was information about it in the data he mined from the Scarab when he was trying to activate it years ago." Jenny said.

"Yes, but you were chosen to join our ranks as the newest member of the Green Lantern Corp and we're sure that you'll exceed our expectations." Ganthet said.

"I'll oversee her training on Earth." James said.

"We were hoping you would, since she'll need your guidance to prepare her for the threat of Sinestro, not to mention other things that are coming." Ganthet said.

"What do you mean?" James asked.

"All we can say for sure is that whatever Sinestro is doing is just the first step of a much larger game, though until we are sure that we are correct, it is best not to say anymore." Ranakar said.

"Why am I not surprised." James said, honestly amazed that they'd told him this much.

"We trust that you'll train Ms. Kord well." Ganthet said.

"I still don't understand why this is happening. All I know is that about an hour ago, I was on a plane flying towards Metropolis that was going down and when I went up to the cockpit to try and keep it in the air, the plane blew up, but before it did, this ring shot through the window and onto my finger, giving me this costume and these powers. Why choose me?" Jenny asked the Guardians.

"We didn't." Ranakar said.

"What?" Jenny asked, though it was James who answered this time.

"The Guardians may have created the ring, but they didn't choose who got it. The ring chose you itself." James said.

"He's right. All we do is create the rings and send into the universe to find candidates worthy of being Green Lanterns. Though we do have the ability to take the ring away if the user proves themselves unworthy." Ganthet said.

"And if the ring chose you, then that means that it sees something in you that perhaps even you don't see in yourself yet. It senses that you have a noble spirit and the will to master it. And the rings are never wrong when they select candidate. What happens after they do depends on the person who wields it." Ranakar added.

"So, how do I work this thing?" Jenny asked, now looking at her new ring.

"We'll let James Olsen train you in how to use the ring." Ganthet said.

"But first, we need to get her a lantern so she can recharge her ring when she needs too." James said.

"Wait, I have to recharge it?" Jenny asked.

"The smaller lanterns are connected to the main battery that's stored here on Oa, which is powered by the green element, which is the physical manifestation of will itself. The rings weren't designed to hold in all that power, so the batteries do it for them and we have to recharge them at least once every 24 hours, though it varies depending on how much the ring is used." James explained.

"Okay then. Can I at least get a tour of this place before we go?" Jenny asked.

"Follow me." Jame said as he generated his usal green glow around himself and flew out of the chamber and, as if by some instinct, Jenny knew to do the same thing as she flew after him.

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