Chapter 28

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Jenny was currently sitting at a console in the new Green Lantern base on Earth, which they called the Nest and was located in an old and decommissioned Kord Industries building and had been decorated in the typical green color and was divided into numerous areas. Jenny was currently sitting in the control center on the top floor, which had a balcony that all of the members of Team Lantern who could fly used to leave and return from the field. The next floor down contained an armory for people like Jenny's father and Barbara Gordon, who had no powers of their own and it's also where Carter and Cheryl maintained their weapons. That floor also contained a workout room with typical equipment, along with a training area for them to practice non powered training so that she and James wouldn't be dependent on their rings and Winn wouldn't be dependent on his scarab, though it was also designed to be able to withstand combat training for when they did do training with powers. The floor also had a kitchen and of course, Winn had insisted on adding a game room that had some arcade games and of course, his own computer that he could use to play games like Fortnite.

Finally, on the bottom floor was the lab where Winn, her father and Jenny all worked to help keep Team Lantern ahead of the bad guys. The Hawks had been a bit offended that they'd named the base the Nest, but they'd come to like it over time.

Anyways, Jenny was bored out of her mind just running point for the Hawks while looking at the green ring on her finger, thinking that she should be out there, using it to help people instead of being stuck in the Nest, doing her dad's job of mission control, since the Hawks were protecting the city with Green Lantern and Blue Beetle out of the city.

"Well, you look bored." a new voice said and Jenny turned to see James's mentor and the final Green Lantern on this planet, Hal Jordan, enter the Nest.

"Hal, what are you doing here?" Jenny asked.

"James figured that you were probably getting bored just sitting around, so he asked me to come out here to start training you so you wouldn't do something reckless." Hal said and Jenny immediately jumped out of her chair.

"Wait, does this mean I'm finally gonna get to blast people with my ring?" Jenny asked Hal chuckled.

"We'll see. You have to remember that James and I are both more experienced with using our rings than you are. You have to start from the beginning and work your way up. No shortcuts." Hal said.

"And I'm guessing that attacking people isn't one of the first things I'll learn." Jenny asked.

"Nope. First you need to learn how to build constructs with your ring. It's not as easy it looks. Come on, let's head to the training area." Hal said and Jenny nodded.

"Okay, remember, how powerful your constructs are depends on how strong your will is." Hal said he demonstrated by using his ring to project a small pyramid that was assembled in front of them.

"Wow. Is it possible for the constructs to actually become permanent?" Jenny asked as she watched the pyramid fade.

"No. The rings do not have enough power for that and doing so would put way too much mental and physical strain on the user. None of our rings were designed for that." Hal explained and Jenny nodded as she followed Hal's example and pulled up the ring's training program and created a similar pyramid, though it faded quickly.

"Damn it." Jenny said.

"Hey, sometimes it takes some practice." Hal reassured her.

"But I thought that human lanterns were supposed to learn very quickly." Jenny said, since both Hal and James had been prodigies when it came to mastering the rings.

"There's no written rule saying that and yes James and I have mastered them pretty quickly, but it's different for everyone. Now come on, try again." Hal said and Jenny nodded as they continued to training.

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