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"You're Trans?!" The Mexican stared at me in shock as I nodded slowly. "Ooook, I guess." Mexico looked anywhere but me. And just at that moment, America had to burst into my bedroom. "Have you ever heard of knocking?!" Me and Mex growled at the same time as Ame slowly walked into my bedroom. "Since when was Mexico here?" Was the first thing my brother said to me as he sat down next to me on my bed. "I...had another fight with my father again." The Mexican answered for me, while the American slowly nodded. "You had another one with Spain again?"

"Yeah, we don't really get along quiet well."

"I can tell."

When the three of us went out for breakfast, Father asked us what Mexico was doing in the house and Ame just told him that his parents were busy and that he's just going to stay here for a bit. I could tell by the look on Fathers' face that he wasn't convinced but he nodded anyway, on the other hand, Mexico was just glad that he wouldn't had to go back to his father. "Nada, who's your friend???" Aussie and Kiwi piped in after a few minutes of silence. "Oh, his name is Mexico, he had a fight with his father lately and by what I can tell, they don't get along quite well." I added the last part in a whisper, don't want father finding out that we were lying to him, that wouldn't end well. "Oook, is it just me or whenever either Nada or Mexico look at each other they blush?" Kiwi chimed in after a while, I quickly hushed her, growling at how Ame, Aussie and mother all snickered while father looked down at me disappointedly.

*Knock knock* "I'll go get it, it's probably Ukraine. I called from the hallway when I reached the door. And I was correct! It was Ukie. "Maple! I missed you so much! How long has it been since our last visit?" Ukraine through her arms around my neck and was practically hanging around me, our height difference really makes it hard for us to hug sometimes. "It's been like....3 weeks."

"Only 3 weeks?! It felt like ages!" Ukraine wailed when I answered her question.

Mexico's POV

When Nada went to answer the door, the country that had been at the front door was Ukraine, Russia's younger sister, it wasn't a surprise that the two are dating, since Rus is making out with Ame currently, but it still made my blood boil. Ame must've noticed cuz he started teasing me about it, again! "Looks like somebody jealous~" I pushed the American away when he leaned his head on my shoulder. "I'm not, I just-"

"You like my brother, I know it, but I'm sorry, he loves Ukraine so much he would practically give up anything just for her safety. She really would need a guy like that, after all, she is fighting somebody ten times her size, it's a good thing she has me on her side." And with that, the American disappeared somewhere.

509 words, yay 😁 

Beautiful Hazel Eyes [CanMex fanfic] [AU]Where stories live. Discover now