Meet the Superpowers

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Canada's POV

While we were on the couch, enjoying the moments of silence, since Aussie and Kiwi are outside, doin...whatever they're doing, Mum and Dad are out getting the groceries  And Ame just left to meet up with his friends. "It really is quiet without everyone else, it's never like this at my house." Mexico chuckled. "Oh really?"

"Yep, it's always so-and-so punched me or so-and-so bite me or so-and-so punctured a hole in my soccer ball, and if most of us are going somewhere, we're all going's like you can't get any privacy at my place." The Mexican replied with a sigh. "Wow, then why not enjoy this while it lasts, I tell you, sooner or later, America is going to come back with his friends then all you'll ever hear is shouting." I sighed, it's always like this, when Ame goes out to meet up with Russia and China, they always insist on coming to visit our home. "Oook, thanks for the warning Amigo." Then the door swung open with so much force, it slammed against the wall, making both of us jump. "Hi Nada, I'm baaaack!" America announced with China and Russia on either side of him. "America, why must you be so dramatic all the time?!" China hissed. "Don't be so mad, he's just like you China." Rus laughed. "Oh you! Take that back!" China lunged for Russia and the two got caught in a huge cat fight. America stepped around them and plopped down on the couch next to me. "Sooo, when are they going to leave?" Mex glanced over at China, who was strangling Russia. "In an hour or so, but Rus is staying over." 

"Aren't you going to let mum and dad know?" I asked. "They already know, I texted them on the way here and they were fine with it," Ame shrugged. "Мед! A little help here please?" Russia called from where China was holding him down. "Just a minute Darling!" America called back. "Wait, are you and Russia dating or something? But I thought..." Mexico trailed off, you could basically see his brain processing it through. "Yeah, we are. We're just not letting our business relationship get ahead of our actual relationship." America explained. "Oh, I guess that makes more sense." Mex said after a while. "Amerika! I swear I'm going to die if you don't come here any sooner!" Russia growled. "Heh, who's the dramatic one now? I'm simply just chocking you, aren't you going to fight back-" the rest of China's sentence was cut off by a loud scream and a crash. America stood up and ran towards the two. "Rus! What did I tell you about throwing countries out of the window!?" America screamed. "Throwing countries out of WHAT?!" Mex shouted. "Yeah, this happens a lot, China's fine though... I think." I replied shrugging. "You THINK?!?!" Another loud crash had both of us turning our heads around. "That's what you get for pulling in my hair 美国!!" China shouted above a loud scream. I jumped off the couch and ran to the scene. After nearly tripping in my onesie, I found China on top of America, with his foot on his back and Rus was a mess on the floor, cover in scratches and dust. "Ok, ok. I'm sorry." Rus coughed. "Good. How 'bout you 美国?" China asked, looking down at Ame. "Oh, I'm sorry alright." China beamed. "For the trouble that I'm about to cause to you!" America grabbed China's leg, and flipped him over, placing his foot on his chest. "Waddya gonna do now?" Ame laughed. "Can, we please take this fight outside? I don't want anything else broken." I asked. All three countries looked at me before agreeing and leaving. "This happens every time? Can we go on a walk instead?" Mex asked behind me. "Sure. Do you have any clothes? You can borrow some of mine if you don't have any." I offered, "nah, I'm fine, I'll meet you later." Mex replied before heading of to change. I followed him and started changing too.

679 words! Hope you enjoy this, and sorry for taking a while.

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