Uncertainty 2.0

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Hi everyone, this chapter is just a repeat of the previous one, but it's in Canada's POV so you can see what was going while Mex was sitting in his room, enjoy!

After I left Mex in my room, I walked into the living room where everyone else was chilling around. "Hey dad, I was just wondering if Mexico can stay over for a while, since his father kicked him out of the house and he doesn't have anywhere else to go so?" I looked down at my feet, waiting for his reply. I heard him take a sip of tea and place the cup down on the coffee table, stand up and walk over to me. "Son, look at me, this isn't our problem, it's his, and I know your just being nice, but Nada, you need to know that you can't really do anything about it." I looked up at my father, slowly drew a breath in as the words sank in. "So no?" I asked shakily. My father nodded slowly. "B-but he doesn't have anywhere left to go! I don't want him to be living on the streets, begging for food!" I rebelled back. It was my first time rebelling against anybody, and to be honest, it felt good, real good. Maybe this was why 'Merica always rebels against father. But on the other hand, my father looked shock to hear be rebel against him, and so did everyone else. "Son...you know what my answer is, and I know that you know that I don't want to do this. It's not your choice, it's not my choice either, Mexico has brought this upon himself, not us." He looked steadily in my eyes. I stole a quick glance at my mother; France, she gave a quick nod at me, giving e all the courage I need to step up to my father for the first time. I took a shaky breath and held his gaze. "I know what you're going to say but no. I don't agree, he needs a home, clothes and food, everyone does. Wether they brought something upon themselves or not, everyone deserves to live and you can't tell me no."


"No, I don't want you telling me what to do again, I'm sick of doing whatever everyone says, what every tells me to do, I'm sick of it!" I shouted, finally letting all the anger that I didn't realise I was holding in out, and oh did it feel good! But that feeling was soon gone when father slapped me across the cheek, Aussie let out a small frightened squeak, while Kiwi started breathing heavily, Ame left to wherever he was going and mum rushed up to me side. "Darling! Please stop, and just let Maple do what he wants to for the first time! He's right as well, all of us has been asking him to do stuff and he always does it without complaining. So please," mum begged father. But his eyes said otherwise, "no, I'm sorry Canada but just no." I couldn't help myself but luang at him, pinning him down, while also knocking down a vase in the process, that's when Ame and Mex came to see what was going on. America rushed over to me, scooping me up from under my armpits, lifting me of father. "Nada, deep breaths, you need to calm yourself down." He whispered into my ears, slowly, my heart slowed down, and so did my breathing, Ame releasing me, I stormed back to my room, not looking back.

560 words, nice. Tho most of the words are just from the argument, and I hope your enjoying this story so far, it really means a lot to me to see how many readers have been reading my first story!

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