Happy Valentine's Day!

68 2 7

Canada's POV

During the next few days, me and Mex spent our days together and our feelings grew stronger and stronger. Valentine's Day was just around the corner and one day when me and Mexico were just chilling on the couch, Mex said something that was very unexpected. "Hey, Canada?" I turned my attention to Mexico and smiled at him. "Yeah? What's wrong?" I asked when Mex started playing with his thumbs. "I-it's just that, after these few weeks of me spending time with you, I felt more loved and cared for here than I ever did at home and since Valentine's Day is today, I-i was wondering...wondering if, if you could be my Valentine's." I felt my entire face heat up and I could see Mexico's face doing the same. "Of course! I thought you'd never ask!" I wrapped my arms around his waist, lifted him off the ground and smothered his head with kisses. "Wait, just to be clear, you're using the Valentine's thing as a a cover up of asking me to be your boyfriend aren't you?" I asked after a few seconds. I felt the movement of Mexico nodding against my chest and lowered him down, his face was bright red when I took a good look at him. I bend down so that the two of us could be eye to eye. "What are you doing-" his sentence was cut of short when I closed my eyes, leaned in and pressed my lips against his. After a few seconds, Mex kissed back, his hand tangled in my hair. We stayed like that for a few more minutes before Mexico pulled away and wiped his lips, face as red as a tomato. "Th-that was...... I don't even know what to say about that." Mex said after a while. "I'm just glad that my first kiss was shared with you." I smiled.

Happy Valentine's Day y'all 314 words, a short but sweet chapter. Oh, and I'm currently running out of chapter ideas so if yo have any, feel free to type it up in the comment section

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