Chapter 5

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I'm waiting for you downstairs. Hurry up.

I read the message twice before turning back to James who is looking at me confused.

"Hailee?" He questions motioning to my phone

"No, no. It's my mom" I lie faking a smile "listen thank you but I uhm need to go" I scramble all my stuff together leaving his office after he says goodbye.

I hurriedly rush to the elevator. As it opens, my eyes widen in shock.

"Hailee? What the fuck?" I enter the elevator pressing the button to close it as quickly as possible. The brunette smiles at me as the elevator closes. She comes closer to me, pressing my back against the elevator wall.

"What I can't visit you?" She smirks running a hand under my chin. I look up in her mesmerising hazel eyes. My eyes trail to her left hand which is reaching next to me to click a button. After clicking the button the elevator stops. She trails her right hand up my arm to my cheek. Her hand rests on my cheek as we maintain eye contact. She trails her thumb over my bottom lip, tugging at it slightly.

She leans in pressing her lips against mine. I instantly melt into the kiss, wrapping my hands around her neck. Her hands glide down my body, resting on my waist to keep me pressed against the wall.

When air is needed Hailee pulls away, tugging at my bottom lip with her teeth. Her forehead rests against mine as we catch our breath.

I scan my eyes over her face, instantly meeting her eyes. A smile tugs on her lips.

"Hailee we can't keep doing this" I exhale, caressing her cheeks softly

"That's why I'm here." Hailee smiles "do you want to go on a date with me? I wanna make you mine Y/n."

I look in her eyes once more before placing my hands on her shoulders, slightly pushing her away. She looks at me confused but respects my distance.

"I can't" I say barely above whisper

"What do you mean?" Hailee shakes her head

"I want to, but I can't" I shortly explain, my eyes wander everywhere trying not to meet her eyes

"Why? I-I thought you liked me" Hailee murmured in a sad tone

"I do... but I can't be with you" I say, as tears creep up at the corner of my eyes

"Oh" Hailee exhales, and I notice her fighting back tears "can you-- uhm tell me why?"

"The contract" I say, taking a deep breath

"Contract?" Hailee repeats in confusion

"The Hawkeye contract" I exhale "Somebody leaked photos of us and Marvel is pissed"

"I don't care what they think Y/n" Hailee interuptes me, her voice rising

"I don't care either Hailee.. but I can't lose my fucking job" I raise my tone to match hers

"They aren't gonna fire you" she exclaims

"They wanted to! I almost lost my job. Hell, if it wasn't for James I would've been fired already." I shout "I worked so hard for this Hailee, and I'm not throwing it away just because I like you. I can't" I press the button so the elevator starts

"We can keep it a secret" Hailee suggests "please I really like you. No one will find out. Please" she pleads "it will be our little secret" the brunettes lips are just a few inches away from mine. I connect our lips is a slow kiss. We pull away when the elevator door opens

"I can't. I'm sorry" I say before leaving the elevator and Hailee behind me
A/n: hope yall liked that!thank you for support! Love yall! Don't forget to comment and vote! See ya byeeeee!

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