Chapter 16

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A/n: ignore the fact it took me like 4 months to update this

"Thank you for tonight Haiz." I say to my girlfriend as we put our dishes in the sink.

"Of course pretty girl. You deserve all of it." She smiles at me quickly pecking my lips. "You wanna watch a movie?"

"Yess!" I exclaim excitedly, causing a giggle to fall from Hailee's lips.

"Alright baby, let's go." She takes my hand leading us to her bedroom.

She sits on the bed against the comfortable headboard and I snuggle up against her side, my head resting in the crook of her neck.

Hailee turns on the first movie she finds and we lay there peacefully enjoying each others company. Not long after the movie finishes both of us drift off into slumber, our bodies intertwined.
Hailee's pov:
Scarlett enters my trailer making my head snap up from my phone screen.

"Hey Scar." I say, still unsure why she's here.

"Hi Hailee." She says, walking closer to me. "Have a minute to chat?"

"Of course. What's up?" I ask as the blonde takes a seat opposite me.

"How's it going with Y/n?"

The question startles me a little bit but I nod my head responding with: "Good. Why?"

"Just thinking about the conversation I had with her the other day." She says.

"What conversation?"

"How you got so drunk and ended up almost assaulting her." Scarlett says, her eyes boring into mine.

"Scar that was-"

"No, Hailee." She cuts me off sternly as she shakes her head. "I don't care how fucking drunk you are, you never. Ever. Lay a finger on your girlfriend."

"I didn't lay a finger on her. I would never do that." I defensively state.

"We both know what you're capable of when you drink Hailee, we both know it isn't pretty. So do me a favour and sort yourself out before you hurt Y/n." Scarlett leans forward, her elbows on her knees as she lectures me. I feel frustration begin to bubble up inside me as I take in her words.

"I won't hurt her." I sternly say.

"That's what you said with Sadie as well." Scarlett says, making my heart beat against my chest as I remember my short relationship with the ginger girl.

"That was different." I sigh.

"No it wasn't." She shakes her head. "It started off exactly the same, and you know that."

"I'm not gonna hurt her Scar." I repeat.

"I hope you won't." She says. "Because if you do I will find you Hailee and that won't be fucking pretty." I meet her eyes one last time before she gets up leaving the trailer.

I sigh leaning back into my couch and running a hand through my hair. She is right mine and Sadie's relationship started off with silly arguments and me getting really drunk and knocking on her door late at night.

As that relationship progressed it wasn't healthy and both of us knew it. But we were grasping on the poison that fueled our relationship until it everntually bubbled too much and it all exploded.

The explosion left scars on both Sadie and I. More on her but I got hurt too.

Y/n is different and it would never be fair to compare her to Sadie.

I hope this time around I can make it work with someone that only wants the best for me. I hope that this time I won't be the one holding the matches while our relationship burns down in flames.

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