Chapter 7

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My eyes flutter open, feeling someone behind me. A hand slithers around my waist pulling me closer to her body. She places soft kisses on my neck and shoulders, caressing my bare stomach.

"Good morning beautiful" she whispers in my ear before leaving a soft kiss against it, sending shivers down my back.

"Morning" I whisper, placing a hand over hers before turning around to face her. A smirk is already plastered across her face. Her smirk grows even bigger as her eyes scan across my naked body.

I place a hand on her cheek and pull her in finally connecting our lips. Her hand travels down to my waist pulling me even closer.

Our lips part and we just stare in each others eyes.

"Last night was amazing" I smirk trailing a finger up and down her arm

"Yeah it was" Hailee smirks and leans in placing a kiss on my forehead making my cheeks immediately flush a shade of light pink

We both get out of the bed. My eyes wander around the room in hope of finding my clothes but they are nowhere to be found.


"Yeah?" She says from the bathroom

"Can I borrow some clothes? I have no idea where mine are" I peer through the bathroom door seeing Hailee brush her teeth

"Yeah sure, the closet is just next to this door. Take whatever you want" She smiles

"Thank you" I whisper before making my way to her closet. As I open it I expect a normal sized closet but instead a closet the size of my bedroom welcomes me.

There is clothes all over the place. Even though there is a lot of clothes all of them are folded neatly or are hung on the hangers.

After scanning through some clothes I find a black hoodie and some light blue jeans. I slip them on as I hear the door open. I shift my gaze up seeing Hailee smirking as she eyes me up and down.

"Damn" she breathes walking over to me "you're so fucking hot Y/n"

"Thank you baby" I smile pecking her lips. "Whats the time?" I ask. Hailee glances at the watch on her hand

"9:30" she responds "when do we have to be on set?"

"10 so we have time" I smile "we can't show up together tho, they'll know something is up"

"Yeah fair point" Hailee agrees

"I mean if we show up together we can just say we're friends... they don't have to know what we did last night" I suggest as my cheek flush a bright shade of pink from the memories of last night

"Well that could work... until they see tour neck" Hailee says scratching the back of her neck

"I told you not to leave any!" I exclaim hitting her arm playfully

"Sorry not sorry" Hailee laughs. I scan my eyes over her neck noticing a couple of bruises not so visible but they are there

"Oh just wait till you see yours" I lean over whispering in her ear

"No you did not" Hailee laughs walking over to the mirror and examining her neck. Her eyes widen as she traces her hands over the loves bites that I left. "Oh you're gonna pay for that" Hailee laughs launching herself at me

She tickles my sides and I immediately burst into laughter. I stumble backwards Hailee following me her fingers still tickling me.

"Stop stop" I say through laughter. Hailee laughs and continues to tickle me. After a minute of tickle torture she stops. I pant breathlessly both of us still laughing. My eyes look up into Hailees she smiles leaning down and kissing my lips.

"We should get going" she says as we part lips

"After we cover up the hickies" I say and Hailee just chuckles leading me into the bathroom.
Hailee and I got to set separately so no one gets suspicious. Even though we haven't put a label on whatever our relationship is we most definetley have broken our contract.

I enter the makeup trailer.

"Hey girl" my best friend Emma and my makeup artist greets me with a hug

"Hey" I smile

"Right sit down and tell me who you fucked" Emma says pointing to the chair. Me eyes widen and I look at her in confusion. "What?"

"H-how did you know I fucked someone?"

"Girl you have a hickey the size of my hand on your collarbone" she points to my collarbone which is exposed a little bit

"Fuck" I mumble pulling the hoodie upwards so it covers the hickey. I look at Emma laughing and sit down on the chair in front of her

"Right who was it?" Emma says looking at the paper to see what makeup she has to do to me

"I can't tell you" I mumble taking in a deep breath

"Ooo mysterious love it" Emma laughs and I hit her arm "damn uneccesarry"

"It's not mysterious it's just complicated" I explain as she starts applying blush on my cheeks

"Man or woman?" She questions setting down the pallete and picking up something else

"Woman" I mumble

"Oh my God it's Sadie isn't it?" Emma exclaims

"What? No,no it's not Sadie. I told you I was done with her" I shake my head looking at her in disbelief

"I mean you said it is complicated and you guys are really complicated" Emma raises her hands in a defensive manner "do I know her?"


"Is she hot?" Emma asks and I just look at her "What? All I'm asking is would a straight woman find her hot?"

"I don't know I guess... she is very hot" I mumble

"Easy it's Hailee" Emma says almost in a joking manner. I avoide eye contact with her "oh shit it is Hailee"

"Yeah" I look down fidgeting with my fingers as a smile tugs on my lips

"Wait wait don't you guys have like a contract thing that doesn't allow you to sleep together?" Emma asks confused

"Yeah that's why it's complicated genius" I say looking up at her

"Oh- OH that makes sense" Emma finally gets it. I slap my forehead wondering how I picked her to be my best friend "well what are you gonna do?"

"I don't know.. I like her and I want to be with her.. but keeping it a secret doesn't seem like an option. So I don't know" I ran a hand through my hair

"Did you guys talk you know about everything?"

"Nope. We have to tho" Just as I say those words I get a message. My eyes scan down on it.

Hey darling.
Can u meet me at my trailer? I think we need to talk.
A/n: thank yall for reading and I hope you enjoyed that! Thank you for the support on this book! Don't forget to comment and vote! Love yall until next time stay safe! Byeeeee!

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