Chapter 8

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I nervously knock on Hailees trailer door. The door flashes open revealing Hailee. She flashes on a smile as she sees me.

"Hey" She whispers avoiding my eyes

"Hi" I smile "can I come in?"

"Of course. Come in" she stands aside allowing me to enter. I pass by her entering the trailer. Hailee closes the door as we make our way further into the trailer.

An awkward silence hangs in the air as I sit down on the couch. Hailee paces up and down the trailer.

"Hailee what's wrong?" I question placing my phone on the coffee table. Hailee stops pacing and sits next to me.

"I--I.. they have pictures Y/n" Hailee whispers placing her elbows on her knees and taking her head in her hands

"Pictures? What do you mean?" I questions slightly confused

"Of us... when we left last night" She explains turning her head sideways to face me

"Oh. Wh-what are we doing in the pictures?" I swallow hard looking directly in her eyes. She doesn't respond, instead she passes me her phone which is open to a picture.

I take her phone and look at the picture. In the picture my back is pressed up against Hailees car with her lips pressed up against mine. Her hand are on my waist while mine are at the back of her neck.

"Fuck" I exhale, placing her phone on the table

"Yeah fuck" Hailee chuckles

"H-how did you get the pictures?" I ask

"They were sent to me by a friend that works for a newspaper.. he tried to hold on the article but it's being released as we speak" Hailee takes a deep breath before continuing "We are screwed"

"Fuck. They're gonna fire us" My leg uncontrollably starts bouncing from all the built up anxiety

"No they're not" Hailee shakes her head

"We broke the fucking contract Hailee... of course they're gonna fire us" I shout standing up

"We aren't dating so we didn't break it Y/n" She stands up as well, standing in front of me

"We slept together! That counts" I shout

"No one has to know about that" Hailee grits through her teeth

"The pictures Hailee! How the fuck are you gonna explain that?! Oh sorry we just make out and fuck but no we ain't dating, which isn't far from the truth" I exclaim, throwing my hands in the air

"I don't know Y/n! I don't fucking know!" Hailee yells running a hand through her hair

"What are we anyway?! If we do get fired I wanna know it wasn't just for a one night stand!" I yell stepping closer to her "If you don't want a relationship with me.. I'm not throwing away everything I worked for because of a one night stand. But if you want a relationship then I'm prepared to fight for you, for us. So again what the fuck are we?!" I shout, with Hailees body inches from mine

"We-we are complicated" Hailee whispers "And you know that" she steps closer to me looking down at me making me feel intimidated

"I know that we are fucking complicated" I say "Do you want us to be something?" I take a step back trying to make space between us

"Yes I want us to be something!" Hailee shouts "But you are the one that pushed me away! So dont act all innocent"

"Act innocent?! I was trying to do a reasonable thing!" I throw my hands in the air in anger

"And the reasonable thing was to avoid me?!" She scoffs

"Yes it was!"

"How--" Hailee is cut off by a knock on the door. Both Hailee and I turn our directions there before she walks to the door opening it. I take a deep breath trying to calm down.

I look over to see Hailee my manager and her manager at the door. Hailee lets them in while taking a deep breath and looking in my direction. Even though I'm mad at her I flash her a smile which she returns.

"Y/n and Hailee sit down please" My manager says and both Hailee and I listen sitting on the couch next to each other

"Why are you guys here?" I ask as my James and he lets out a small chuckle as doss Hailees manager

"I don't know maybe but just maybe we are trying to save your guy's asses form getting fired!" James says in a really sarcastic tone of voice

"We didn't d--" Hailee is abruptly cut of by her manager

"Please Hailee save the 'we didnt do anything' act" she pauses opening her phone and placing on the desk in front of Hailee and I "The whole fucking internet knows. Worse than that Marvel knows!"

Hailee and I glance at the phone and sure enough it's the picture from last night with a big headline which says: Hailee and Y/n getting steamy in a parking lot. New hot couple??

"Listen we can explain" Hailee speaks first

"Go on explain it" James says leaning back in his chair

"We--uhm got drunk and-- we kinda sl-slept together.. but, but it meant nothing cause we were drunk" Hailee lies looking at her and mine manager. I nod deciding to follow her into this lie

"Oh really?" James sarcastically says

"Yes it's true James" I confirm nodding my head

"Okay if it's true, then why were you guys in here together and why did we hear you yelling at each other?" Hailees manager speaks up looking at Hailee than me.

I swallow hard before answering "Because we knew the public will know so.. we were trying to figure out what to do. Look we know our story is shit but it's what happened" I explain and Hailee nods in agreement. James and Hailees manager look at each other

"Marvel isn't happy and you both know that" James begins looking at Hailee and I "So for the love of God stay away from each other. Drunk and sober" He says and Hailee and I nod

"We'll try to talk them out of firing you two but for now like James said stay the fuck away from each other" Hailees manager chimes in again Hailee and I nod

"We will thank you" Hailee smiles. Our managers pack up and leave shortly after. Hailee walks them out and as she closes the door the both let out a big sigh.

"We still need to figure out whatever this is" she signals in between us

"Agreed but we need to get to set" I nod
A/n: hope yall enjoyed that! I'm sorry for the wait I've been busy with my one shot book and my personal life so yh. Don't forget to comment and vote! Love ya! Until next time stay safe! Byeeeee

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