Chapter 4

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I walk down the streets in hurry. Brushing past all kinds of different people, hoping no one will recognise me since I'm already late.

My manager has asked me to come meet him at his office. He didn't sound very happy over the phone. Since he woke me up with that phone call I didn't have much time to get ready. So I threw on the first pair of jeans I found and a hoodie.

I finally reach the building. I hurriedly make my way to reception.

"Hi Miss Y/l/n. How can I help you?" She smiles at me, pausing her typing on the keyboard

"Hi May" I greet her smiling "I need to see James. He called me in, he said it was urgent" I explain to her

"Ah yes. Just give me a second" she says, typing on her keyboard "okay so, he is in his office and yes it says here it is urgent" she looks up at me with a smile on her face "have a nice day"

"Thank you. You too" I smile before walking to the elevator.

I quickly get in it before clicking 4th floor. As the door closes I start overthinking why he called me in his office.

James wasn't the type to over react over something or even call me in his office on my day off. I knew this was serious. He is my first ever manager. At the age of 16 I made some money and managed to hire him. He helped me get countless roles which made me who I am today. He is always so sweet and caring. I don't think I've ever heard him raise his voice.

My thoughts get interupted as the elevator doors open, allowing me to step outside. I make my way down the hall before noticing his door. I knock on it lightly waiting to go in.

"Come in!" I hear him yell from the other side

I open the door, and enter before shutting it. James looks up at me before motioning for me to sit down. I sit down right in front of him.

"Y/n hi" he says, without a smile. Weird.

"Hi James" I smile "why did you want to see me?" I question

"Y/n" he starts "did you read your contract for Hawkeye?" He questions, taking off his glasses.

"Uhm yes I did" I answer in confusion

"Right. Tell me then. What does it say about dating your co-stars?" He asks, leaning forward to rest his elbows on the desk

"Not to have a romantic or intimate relationship with them. I think?"I lean back in my chair still looking at him in confusion

"Good" he says "then tell me why the fuck do I have thousands of articles reporting on you and Hailee dating?!" He raises his voice


"Look" he turns around his laptop for me to see. On his laptop there are hundreds of articles with Hailee and I as the front page.

"James there is nothing between us" I reassure him even through I'm not sure

After our encounter in my trailer, Hailee and I have become distant. We don't talk as much, we don't really text and we don't see each other except on set. But then again when we do get a chance we sneak out to the janitors closet or one of our trailers to make out for a solid of 10 minutes. After that everything goes silent again. We haven't slept with each other yet, but we've gotten really close a couple of times.

There were times where both of our shirts were off, along with a couple of hickies scattered around both of our necks. Or some times she would pin me up against a wall, just to leave me hot and bothered wanting more of her.

We've never put a label on our relationship. So as long as I'm concerned we are friends. She can date whoever she likes and I could do the same.

"If there is nothing between you! Then why the fuck are you guys on every front page?!" James shouted, running a hand through his hair. He turned his laptop around once again. "I mean look at this" he scrolls through the articles "Y/n Y/l/n and Hailee Steinfeld a new hot Hollywood couple! Y/n and Hailee seen at a bar together. Y/n and Hailee holding hands in public. Hailee and--" he reads but I cut him off

"Okay okay. I get it" I say, letting out a frustrated sigh

"I already got a call from marvel, and let me tell you they aren't happy" he says flickering his eyes to mine "they want to fire both of you"

"But we aren't in a relationship" I protest

"They aren't gonna take your word for it. You know that." James points out "just please stay away from Hailee in public and for the love of God don't date her or sleep with her. I know she's attractive but are you willing to throw away everything we've worked for because of a girl?" He says, closing his laptop and resting his arms on top of it.

"I'll stay away from her" I exhale

"Thank you. The director and the manager of marvel are gonna talk to both of you since breaking the contract is a big thing. They shouldn't fire you because I managed to calm them down just a little bit... they are still fuming tho so be careful" James explains, finally smiling

"Thank you James" I thank him, as I hear my phone receive a notification. I glance down at it and my eyes widen.
A/n: Another cliff hanger yh sorry abt that. Anyway hope yall enjoyed!thank you for the support on this book! Hope you have a fantastic day/night! Don't forget to comment and vote! Love yall! Byeeeee!

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