Chapter 1

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I just got the role of my dreams. Marvel hired me to play Rachel Romanoff the long lost daughter of Natasha Romanoff. My character got adopted by Clint after Natashas death and is now with him in New York. Long story short I'm acting in Hawkeye.

I'm really excited. Acting beside Florence Pugh, Jeremy Renner and Hailee Steinfeld is a dream.

Currently I'm on my way to do a practice scene with Hailee since I have to play her love interest.

I step on set as our director comes up to me.

"Y/n hi" he greets me

"Hi" I smile at him

"Hailee should be here any minute" just as he said that a tall brunette walked through the door. Her hazel eyes pierced through mine as she smiles at me. "Ah Hailee there you are" he walks over to her and I follow him

"Hailee. Nice to meet you." she extends her hand for me to shake

"Y/n. Nice to meet you too" I smile shaking her hand

"Right girls, we are doing scene 12A . It's the bedroom arguing scene." The director explains as Hailee and I nod. We take our places before the director shouts:"Action!"

"Why are you breaking up with me Kate?! What did I do wrong?" I question as tears pull in my eyes. Hailee is sitting on the bed with her head in her hands, looking up at me.

"Nothing. I just- I can't do this anymore" she explains, avoiding eye contact

"Kate please I can't lose you" I plead my voice cracking

"I can't Rachel, I can't" she whispers letting a tear slip down her cheeks

"Why? Kate why?" I let a tear slip down

"I couldn't protect you Rachel. You almost died because of me! I almost killed you. I can't." She pauses looking in my eyes "I just can't stand the thought of you dying because of me, because I couldn't protect you" another tear runs down her cheek

"Kate, I chose this! Even if you don't protect me I can protect myself! I mean I grew up in the fucking red room, I'm pretty capable of taking care of myself!" I yell throwing my hands in the air. Hailees eyes widen as she looks at me

"You-you grew up in the red room?" She asks shockingly

"Yeah I did" I confirm as i start fidgeting with my fingers

"And cut!" The director yells walking closer to us "that was wow. Great job guys!" He praises as Hailee stands up.

"Thank you" we both smile at him

"Okay so we have filming next week. All the stuff that you guys need is already in the email and your managers are aware. So I will see you next week" he explains as Hailee and I nod.

We exchange goodbyes before he leaves leaving Hailee and I alone.

"You're good" Hailee complimented as she took a sip from her water bottle. My cheeks flush a bright shade of pink at her words.

"Thank you. You're pretty good too" I smile at her

"Thanks" she says, closing her water bottle "wanna get drinks?" She asks and I look at her with wide eyes "You know since we are gonna be kissing and shit, next week so I at least wanna know something about you before sticking my tongue down your throat" She laughs, which makes me laugh as well

"Yeah sure" I reply with a wide smile on my face. We walk out with each other heading towards her car. She opens the passenger door for me and I get in. She closes the door before climbing into the drivers seat.
When we arrived at the bar, we took seats at the back, and started talking about everything. The conversation was pleasant and engaging.

"So Y/l/n why acting?" Hailee asks sipping on her drink

"Hmm good question Steinfeld" I smile "I don't know I guess I wanted to do something different.. I didn't want a 9 to 5 or anything boring so acting it is" I explain to her, taking a sip of my drink. "What about you Steinfeld?"

"Well, it was always about entertaining people and obviously I love doing it... so yeah it sort of happened" she explains, her eyes flickering to mine "anyway enough about work. I read you had something going on with what's her name...." Hailee snaps her fingers trying to remember a name "Sadie is it?"

"Yeah it is" I smile "we broke up.. there is nothing between us anymore" I stare down at my glass before downing it

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to--"

"No it's fine, you didn't know" I look in her sorry eyes, with a smile

"Still I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked" she places her hand on top of mine, while staring in my eyes

"It's okay" I reassure her, looking down at our hands. At the corner of my eye I notice her glancing at our hands and smiling. "You dating anyone?" I ask trying to break the silence

"Ha no." Hailee laughs, making me laugh as well "I just don't want to yet. I'm still kind of healing from my last relationship" she explains

"Oh, I'm sorry about that" I say

"Don't be he was a idiot" Hailee chuckles taking her hand away from mine to sip of her drink. I instantly miss her skin on mine.

"All men are. That's why I date women" I laugh, tapping my fingers against the table

"Yeah I think I'm gonna go back to dating women" Hailee smiles, looking directly in my eyes

"You dated women before?" I question

"Yeah two. Nothing long term" the brunette explains. I smile at her. I glance over at the window noticing flashing lights.

"Fuck" I curse, getting Hailees attention. The flashes become more frequent as they approach the restaurant

"Come on we can leave through the back door" Hailee suggest, taking money out of her pocket and leaving it on the table, before grabbing my hand and running out of the back door. We couldn't stop laughing as we stumble through two sets of doors into an alleyway.

"That was close" I say between laughs

"Oh they got pictures. Imagine tomorrow morning the biggest headline 'Y/n Y/l/n and Hailee Steinfeld seen in a bar together. New romance?" Hailee says imitating a reporters voice making us both laugh

"That would be funny" I laugh

"Anyway Y/l/n. I will see you Monday" Hailee smiles as we exchange a hug

"See ya Steinfeld" I smile as we pull away, walking separate ways
A/n: hope yall liked the first chapter! Tell me what you think in the comments! Love yall! Byeeeee!

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