Chapter 17- How can you be here with me but texting her?

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Stella P.O.V

I sat by Hunter who was texting. He put his phone down and kissed me on my cheek. I couldn't help but smile an actual real smile. He was too kind and too prefect. My favorite thing about him was I don't think he was playing with my heart. I don't think he wanted anything out of whatever we have other than well me which was a nice feeling to think about. I looked at Hunter who was now looking back down at his phone.

"Who are you texting? Is everything ok?"

"Yeah, I"m just texting Kim and Sam. Kim is wondering if we can hang. And Sammy is wondering What's going on."

I try not to but I sometimes get jealous over Kim I don't know why I'm jealous but I do. I don't even know her and Hunter doesn't seem to like her but she is always there. Its not like Me or Hunter are dating but it still bothers me and I couldn't help but yell at him don't ask me why I yelled at him but I did.

"How could you be talking to her and be here with me God. Gosh you're just like the rest of the boys I know. Got to have a bunch of girls just wrap around you!!!" His facial expression went to amazingly nice and soft to a confused mad facial expression.

I got up and walked away. I went into the bathroom and sat in a stall I cried I don't even think I'm mad at Hunter. But now he was probably mad at me I wouldn't blame him if he just left me here I would have. Sometimes I keep all my feelings to myself and I don't tell people who care for me what's bothering me and sometimes mean things come from my lips when things bother me just too much. I sobbed right there in the third stall.

"Are you ok Ma'Ma?"

I didn't answer I would probably just yell at her and I didn't want to yell at any more people... So I just stayed quite.

"You ok?" she asked again.

"Yeah I'm fine thanks" I squeaked out. I blew my nose.

"So do you want to talk"?

"Uhm thanks but no. Thank you though"

"Here if you want to talk" she handed me her phone number from underneath the stall.

"Thanks but I think I'm good"

"No just take it just in case. OK"?

"Alright" I took her number. "Thank you"

"No problem"

I heard the toilet flush she washed her hands and the door opened and closed.

I blew my nose again. Then I got out of the stall and I washed my hands and wiped my eyes. I walked to the door I opened it and I saw Hunter leaning against the wall outside his hands were in his pockets and he didn't look to happy. I walked past him not wanting to know what he was going to say to me.

"Hey" I turned around and looked at him. Hey oh my god that's it???

"What gives you the right to say that to me its not like where dating or official or anything we're just friends till you say other wise till you feel like you want to be with me. So if I want to go on other dates or text a girl then that should be fine. (There that is what I'm looking for). I'm not hurting anyone if I want to hang out in a non date way with an annoying girl who has a puppy crush on me then that's my decision. It's not like you texted me in the last couple of days..So I'm here as a friend to you.... One other thing I'm not like the other guys and you know how dare you say that to me when I'm being nice to you... Jezz. Do you even like me or are you just stringing me along for the fun of it... I stayed silent...... Hmmmm just as I thought then you must just be like the other girls want me for my money, or a car ride, publicity, or when they think its most relevant for them Jezz... Just lose my number then if you going to act like that"

He walked away....... thinking...... I'm not like other girls I wouldn't do any of that to him. I couldn't tell him I was sorry . I just couldn't move from where I was standing I just watched him go. I couldn't even tell him I think I love him..... Did I just lose a friend and a possible boyfriend??

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now