Chapter 110- The Day Before

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Hunter's P.O.V.

"So we bought a house today now we can go and do last touch on table's at Cedarwood let's go" she grabbed my hand. "Hunter do you even know what tomorrow is?" 

"Of course I do Stella"

"Really what is it?" 

"We're getting married tomorrow how stupid do you think I am?" I asked her.

"Well you clearly just told me your weren't" 

*1 Hour Later*

We arrived at Cedarwood I got out of the car and I looked at the scenery that was in eyesight "WOW" I told her I was really speechless. 


"You sure know how to pick the best places Ariel"

"Thanks Charming" she walked over to me and she grabbed my hand. I kept looking at the barn not moving I could feel her pulling on my arm saying "Hey Charming..... Happy Feet.... Hunter...... Hun...?"

"WHAT WHAT?" I asked her growing more aware of what was going on.

"GOD I only been calling your name for ten minutes now"

"Sorry it's just so wow here"

"I know right but come on we got work to do and just little time" we walked over to the big mansion place. They had sunflowers and some roses everywhere. People were all walking around and working hard. 

"Oh hey Stella" a older lady walked up to us.

"Hey Julie."

"Oh is this Hunter?"

"Yes it is... Hun don't be rude say hello" she looked at me saying. 

"Oh Hi I'm Hunter but you alrighty knew that" she shook my hand.

"Oh a very firm hand shake my dad always used to tell me growing up if a guy had a firm hand shake then he has a firm hand on life which means he's a keeper so nice catch Stella..... Also sorry Hunter my name is Julie I run all wedding that happen here at Cedarwood.. But enough hello's we got a wedding to get ready for so let's get to work" we walked outside to the barn. "Now Stella how is this?"

Stella made a face and said "Nope no good.... Could I get a ladder?" a guy handed her one and she climbed up I grabbed the bottom making sure it stays. "Thanks Hun" she reached up and fixed the ruffles on the garland above the barn she also fixed the lights. "I'm coming down" I moved a little bit still holding on. She took a look "Much better! What do you think Happy Feet?" I went up on the ladder and fixed a ruffled and got down and we stepped back and looked at it. 

"Much better know its even" I told her.

"So it's good?" she asked.


"Alright good" she pulled out a list and checked it off.

"You really made a list?" I asked her.

"Of course I did Hun I want everything to be perfect" she walked away. 

We walked into the kitchen and she asked "How's the cake Joe?"

"Good very good" he had a funny french accent.

"Can I see it?" 

"Yup" he moved over so she could have a full view. The cake was huge and amazing. 

"Very very nice Happy Feet what do you think?" she asked me.

"Pretty looks good" 

"Good?" the guy asked all hurt like.

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now