Chapter 81- Getting To Know The Bullies

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Stella's P.O.V

"So Stella... I know stuff about you but I don't really know about you" Hunter told me while sitting on my bedroom floor looking at my old yearbook. 

"What do you mean Charming? I asked him from my bed looking up from my Vogue magazine.

"Its just I know you now but I don't know you then" he held up my yearbook from the last year of high school he pointed to the very old picture of me. 

"Why does it matter?"

"I don't know it's just I told you everything about me where I'm fine and stuff that happened to me in the past... You just never really talk about you growing up.... Why not?"

"Because I don't like talking about it" I told him.

"But why?"

"Can we just drop it Hunter" I got up and took all of my yearbooks that were scattered on the floor and put them back in its box and threw it back in my closet. "Stay out of my stuff alright?!!"

"But your able to snoop through my stuff why can't I snoop through yours?" he challenged me.

"Because I'm girl I'm able to snoop and ask questions"

"Yeah ok" he told me in a mocking voice. I sat back on my bed and picked up my magazine again. I heard shuffling in my room a couple minutes later I looked up to see Hunter in my closet pulling out my college box. He sat down with my old journal he looked at the cover and then he put it back in the box he pulled out my old drawings I did for art class. He seemed confused. He looked up at me asking "Hey Ariel what's with all the black?"

"Can we just sit here quietly?"

"Why are you mad at me?" he asked.

"I'm not mad at you I just don't want to talk."

"Well I do.. But you don't care" he mumbled under his breath he thought I couldn't hear him but I did so I chose to ignore it because I didn't want to start anything.  I watched him look through my college box he was making a lot of noise so I couldn't read.

"Could you be anymore louder?" 

"Would you like me to sing?" he said rolling his eyes at me. 

"Whatever" I got up and went to the bathroom. I came out to see him pulling out my other college box. I didn't want him to see inside this box. "Hunter?"

"Yeah?" he asked me.

"Don't open that box"

"What why not?"

"This box is personal all girl stuff you wouldn't want to see it" I slid the box away from him. 

"You know I don't mind girl stuff" 

"You would" I told him and he left it alone.

I walked down stairs to make some lunch and 30 minutes later he came down with the box that I didn't want open. 

"What's this" he asked me.

"What's what?" I tried acting dumb. But I know he can see right through me.

"This is serious what happened in Paris that's so bad that you literally drew black pictures" he dumped the box which contained black very depressing drawings.

"Doesn't matter Hunter"

"Of course it does" his whole face soften. 

"It really doesn't besides I thought I told you to keep out of this box"

"You didn't say please Ariel." he smiled sheepishly. "Also you should have know my curiosity would get the best of me.. So please Stella tell me or I'm just going to keep on asking you and bugging you"

"I can make you leave" I told him with a little smile so he knew I was joking with him.  

"I'll just call you and knock on you door till you open up and answer me" 

I looked at him knowing he would do all that so I decided on just telling him "Alright I tell you..... Alright so as you know I was like major bullied in College and you already know half the stories but I'll just tell you again the girl I yelled at the reunion slept with my ex she was supposed to be my best friend and that boy trust me was no good anyways so that didn't bother me all that much but then she ran over my car Sprinkles because she was mad at me and we had gotten into a fight one day and I just saw Sprinkles under her car... The 2 boys they were the worst they picked on me 24/7 they had every single class with me I'm pretty sure they did that on purpose and they used to throw things at me. I could deal with that I grew up with that my mom and all but what they used to say too me was just mean they used to call me a guy all the time which lead to everyone in the entire school to give me the nick name Seth Rogan. And they said that match perfectly because of my laugh which they thought was annoying and they all hated it and made fun of the way I laughed. I got depressed from going through that every single day so I stopped going to classes I watched soap's all day and then one day I came out of my room and went on a food run and I ran into this nice guy well he wasn't a nice guy either in the end but he did get me to a point where I wanted to finish college but he was jerked too who just wanted my semester work. You know I actually forgot what laughing felt like until I met you Hunter Hayes...." 

I didn't let him say anything I continued as walked backed up to my room I had the food and he had the box.


Author's Note

This chapter will continue in the next chapter sorry I stopped at such a weird point.

The picture above is an example of a drawing Stella drew.

But thanks everyone for reading chapter 81- Getting To Know The Bullies

Thanks :) ;) <3 

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now