Chapter 90- TWW- Tweets, Wishes and Wants

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Stella's P.O.V.

I went back to the bus after I sang with Hunter. Singing is hard work but I actually love performing with him. Hunter and the band actually want me to sing with them. I don't mind you know just sitting back and watch them but they want me up there every night. I sat on the bus couch and took out my phone and went on Twitter. I changed my profile picture to a picture of Hunter and I and the band photobombing us in the background they like to ruin our cuteness. The picture is amazing though. I have over 2 million people following me and just 6 months ago I had 12 people following me. And half of the people are Hunter's Hayniac's checking up on me which I don't mind most of them stay pretty nice. I looked at my new followers and Hunter's record label followed me. Weird I thought to myself. I looked at my tweets people have sent me I always like to reply to them. 

One of the read 

Sara- OH MY GOD Your voice is amazing Please make a track with Hunter for his next CD.

I replied to her saying 

Stella- Sara I would love that I'll make sure to ask him. <3 :)

I starred it and re-tweeted it.

Another one read

Monica- Yay you're singing with him now :( you couldn't have just gone away?"

I ignored that one. 

I looked at some of the others and most of the tweets were hate tonight But I got one that sparked my attention. 

Crystal- Hi I'm Crystal I'm 9 and I have cancer and I been getting worst and I was wondering if you all could do me a favor. If it's not too much could you and Hunter maybe post a YouTube video of you guys singing my favorite song Hearts and Rockets It would mean the world to me if you did.

I didn't replay back but I screenshot it. I have an even better idea. Hunter came on with the band and I grabbed Hunter's hand and lead him back off the bus. The boys started laughing saying "Hunter what did you do now?"

"He did nothing I just want to talk to him ALONE" I shut the tour bus door behind us.

"You do know they're still fans around and if they see me there gonna want to talk to me" he told me.

"Yeah I know that's still better than your whole entire band ears against our door" I told him as we sat under a tree. "Hunter I'm going to need you do something for me"

"I'll do anything for you... You know that"

"I'm gonna need you too sing with me"


"And go somewhere once I can get details on where to go" I told his as I handed him my phone.

"Oh looky you got a fan" he pointed to my screen.

"Opps wrong thing... Wait really I do?" I looked and a person said I was amazing I replied back to them saying Thanks so much you're to kind that means the world to me. 

I scolded up and gave Hunter my phone back he read it for like 5 minutes "So what do you have planned?" he asked me.

"Well I want to get somehow get in touched with her mother and I want us to fly out to where she lives and I want to plan a day so we all can hang out together or just jam with this girl"

"Alright I'm on board... I'll have my people find out who she is" 


I helped him up and kissed me saying "Well I hope so" 

We started back to the bus when you what do you know fans saw us.  We walked over to them meeting them half way. 


"HI" we replied to them in unison. 

"If it's not to much trouble can you sign this?" 

"Of course" Hunter told her then he went on mumbling about where did he put that dang sharpie I just had it.. I just kinda reached in his back pocket and grabbed his sharpie.

"Is this what you're looking for Happy Feet?"

"Yeah it is thank you" he told me taking the sharpie from my hand.

"Anytime" I looked over and smiled at the two girls.

He signed their phones and whatever else they wanted. 

"Do you mind if we take a group picture?" one of the girls asked him.  

"Let's do it" 

One of the girls walked up to me with her asking me "Do you mind taking the picture?"

"No I don't mind" I told her taking her phone.

The other friend looked mad ""What Mini?"

"Nothing Tally" I took the photo.

"Thanks so much bye" the one girl grabbed her hand and started walking away Hunter and I turned around and walked back towards the bus we stopped when I heard my name and running Hunter turned around fast. I turned to see one of those girls from before running towards us. 

"Stop hold up" She called to us.

The other girl screamed her name "Mini wait up!!" 

She didn't listen she came up to us saying "I'm so sorry for my friend is very ride.. I was wondering if you and I could take a picture?

"Me?" I asked her.

"Yes you. If that's alright?"

"Alright" the girl handed me her phone and I handed it to Hunter she looked like she was going to melt when I did that.

We got close and he took the photo "Oh my GOD thank you so much... You guys look amazing together. I'm a total supporter of Hunella" 

I looked over at Hunter saying "I told you that would have been our ship name" he rolled his eyes laughing.

"And Stella you sing like an Angel your really good. Hunter you should have her sing with you more often like a CD audio and I also just wanted to apologize on the behalf of all Hayniac's and I know most of them are mean to you and I'm sorry but most of them think you're stealing Hunter's heart away and  he won't make music anymore once you do that and we are just really protective over him.. But you do have fans out there yourself Stella... Also so sorry to bother you I just really wanted to tell you that."

"No problem I'm glad to hear it.... What's your name?" I asked her.

"Mini Taylor"

"Well thank you Mini" I hugged her and then her friend finally caught up to us she was out of breath. 

"Mini don't run off like that. You scared me half to death" 

"Sorry Tally" 

"It's alright" Tally told her.

"Well thanks a million again you guys... Keep staying awesome.. And congrats on the engagement" 

"Thanks" Hunter and I both told her in unison and we watched them walk away. 

We turned around towards the bus "See I told you some Hayniac's like you Stella"

"Sorry Gosh I will listen to you more often" 

"Yeah you better" he said laughing up the stairs to the tour bus.


Author's Note

Alright who's a supporter of Hunella?...... I am lol.

I really don't know if anyone is liking this book... So what does everyone think of it I love hearing from you guys. :) 

So vote and comment it would mean the world to me.

Thanks for reading Chapter 90- TWW- Tweets, Wishes and Wants

Thanks a bunch again Loves :) <3 ;) 

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now