Chapter 103- Stanley

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Hunter's P.O.V.

We got to the room where Violet was having her baby. The doctor was telling her to push Don pushed me to the side even though I wasn't even in his way. I walked over to Stella I heard a cry "Congrats it's a boy" the doctor told us. Violet was crying and Stella was kissing her head then Donny did the same. 

"You did it baby girl" Donny told Vi. "Sorry I wasn't here earlier someone drives like a slowpoke" 

"HEY" I snapped at him "It wasn't me traffic is horrible we do live in downtown Nash and it's rush hour"

"Traffic was horrible I though I would have to pull over so she can have him" Stella told us.

"Stop fighting boys" Vi told us very sternly. The doctor's handed Vi her baby "Hey Stanley" she said looking at the baby ......She held him for hours. 

I left the room after a while to get some coffee Stella came with me saying "I want to hold him so bad but Vi won't let me" 

I smiled at her saying "You'll be the same once we have one"Her own expression changed.... Crap did I just make that weird? I asked myself. 

She smiled at me and asked "You would want to have one with me?"

"Yeah of course I would. Why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know Charming.. I just never expected anyone to say that to me."

"Well I would love to have one with you" I told her as I kissed the top of her head.

"Well I'm not doing anything later just so you know" she told with a little smile.

"Aren't you still on the-"

She intruded me saying "I could always get off"

"It doesn't always work like that" I tried to snap but that didn't work out. 

"You never know it might" she told me as she snapped and whistled at the same time.

I rolled my eyes as she showed off because she knows I can't whistle or snap I grabbed my coffee and asked "Want anything?"

"No thanks I'm good"

"Are you sure they have ho ho's"... Ho ho's are our weakness. 

"What are you doing to me Hayes?" 

I bought it and we sat down in the waiting room sharing them we always break one of the cakes down the middle so we're always sharing them instead of us just having a cake it just never felt right to us it's better to share everything. "Hey Ariel do you remember what you told me the very first time I asked you if you wanted a ho ho?"

"No I don't what did I say?" she asked me.

"Really you don't remember" she shook her head no "Well I'm hurt"

"Sorry.... But what did I say?"

"Alright you were like what are trying to tell me here"

"Oh I get it a you're trying to give me a ho ho so it's like you are calling me a ho"

"Yeah you thought you were so funny"

"Hey I'm funny...... Besides I remember you telling me that in your car"

"I did I was copying you" 

We got up after we finished the cakes and we walked back into Vi's room. Vi was half asleep and she saw Stella and she said "Here Stella take him alright I need some sleep"


"Yeah I been waiting for you to come back and take him" 

"AHH" Stella took the baby and started balling "Hi Stanley..... Hi baby do you know who I am?" he touched her nose "That's right I'm your aunty.... Hi" she walked over to me saying "Look how adorable he is" 

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now