Chapter 96- HomeSick

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Stella's P.O.V.

I woke up to a very black phone screen and not a Hunter sleepy face. Which made me sad this was so not what I wanted to wake up too.... again. I miss him so much I hate being away from him. 

I wiped my face with my hand wiping away all my tears. I just love him a whole lot. I unlocked my phone to see that Hunter has sent me a snap chat. I opened it and he has a goofy smile he caption the picture so sorry babe I had to hung up I had to go to a coffee house.

I sent him a picture of Cole and I and I caption it I forgive you Hun but Cole is pretty mad at you But we love you tho.

Cole did look mad in the picture it was so adorable.

He sent a snap chat back within moments replying with a video of himself saying "Hey babe I love you guys too. Be safe now.. I'll call you later.. If I have time sorry so it might be late night chat again." he kissed the camera. 

I saved the video. I put my phone down and looked over at Cole who basically owned the bed now. "Are you hungry you lazy dog?" he jumped up and ran into the hall way at full speed. I made some breakfast for us and after we ate I put his leash on him and we went out for a little jog and for his potty break. My phone ran it was an unknown caller so I didn't pick up but it kept calling so I decided to answer it "Hello who is this?" I demanded.

"Your end" the person told me. 

"Alright very funny who is this?"

"I can see you right now you know that?" 

I stopped dead in my tracks. "If you know where am I then what am I doing?"

"Walking a greyhound you just flipped me off and you're wearing a light purple jogger sweatshirt and a pink jogger crop legging pants by the way that so doesn't match"

I looked around the caller had one of those creepy voices like you hear in the scary movies "Who is this?" I asked.

"I'm right behind you find out for yourself"

I turned around very slowly I was terrified. I turned fully around and Violet was right behind me "I HATE YOU" I told her sighing. THANK GOD IT WAS JUST HER.


"You're a horrible person that's not even funny I almost peed on myself and everything"

"I know I'm sorry Stel oh by the way that's my new number. I got a new phone last week"


She laughed even hardier and when she calmed she asked "You mind if I jog with you?"

"Why not you meany"

We started jogging "So how's Hunter? You two ever plan on ever getting married or did you guys like give up on that dream?"

"We are still planning but I do have an interview later today for Cedarwood Weddings.... Hey you want to come with me?"

"OHM Is that even a question of course I'll come" 

"Also Hunter is fine he's on tour and having fun without me which isn't fair"

"And how are you Stel?"

"I'm sad I miss him a lot"

"I know I'm sorry girly"

"How are you and Donny?" I asked her wanting to change the subject I didn't want to think about Hunter it just makes me miss him even more.

"We are ummm....... good"

"You're getting bigger!!!" I told her getting excited.

"I am and I'm loving it"

"Oh look another thing I have to plan you're due soon so that means I have to throw you a baby shower Vi"

"Yeah you do" we stopped jogging so she can catch her breath.

"I can't wait for our baby to be born" I told her with a smile.

"Me too... This child of mine is killing my mood's... I'm happy here then I'm crying there then I'm yelling at the fridge"

"I bet" I laughed.

"So have you and Hunter talk about kids?"

"A bit not a whole lot though... We aren't going to have any anytime soon if that's what you're asking"

"Ashamed they could have been a couple" Vi said shaking her head.

"What if the babies were the same gender?" 

"Well you can always make another" Vi said with a devilish smile.

"Or you" I told her.

"Sure" she said very sarcastically. 

We grabbed coffee and she was going to meet me at my house in 2 hours to go to the interview at Cedarwood.


Author's Note

Creepy voice that's what Violet was doing to Stella in that voice and everything. So hence why Stella was terrified lol..  I didn't even finish watching the video even though it's like 5 seconds long I got scared...Also you got a picture of the weird girl from Scream..... That video is so freaking creepy.

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Well anyway thanks so much for reading Chapter 96- HomeSick

You all are so awesome 

Thanks you guys ;) <3 :) 

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now