Chapter 57- I See You and Partying

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Hunter's P.O.V.

*6 months later*

Sam finally got me to agree to go and try to date. I went on a date or two but I disliked every single girl that Sammy tried to hook me up with. They just weren't Stella. Sam and I went to a party in down town Nashville he knew the people that were throwing the party so he made me come as his plus one. I wanted to stay home and play guitar but he didn't let me. Ad soon as we walked in he walked away chatting with some random people I didn't know. I walk around and I see Stella dancing. I started to walk over to her to say hi but I see her dancing with a guy and she kissed his cheek. So I completely did a turn around and walked over to Sam. "Hey Sammy can we go now?" 

"Hunter no go socialize we just got here" 

"I don't want too Stella's here man" I told him.

"No Hunter you got to face her at some point. Now go grab a drink and some chips and go mangle with the ladies" he lifted his eye brows to me.

"I don't want to Ellis" I told him.

"Well too bad Hayes your gonna.. I want to hang out with my new lady friends" and he walked away you know I really hate that guy sometimes.

A girl walked up to me a couple minutes later "Hey you're Hunter Hayes right?"

"Yeah" I told her.

"I'm Mary I'm one of Sam's friends and he told me to ask you to sing if I wanted to ask you and he told me to tell you that you can't say no.... So do you mind singing" 

"Looks like I don't have a choice in this so sure" she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the stage.

"Hey move" she told the band. "All yours Hayes..Sing whatever you want"

"Thanks" I told her.

I started singing Luke Bryan's song I see you seems like the right song to sing right now it explains the last couple months quite a lot " Roll in the bar me and my crew their little plan to get me over you they're hookin' me up, yeah buy'in me drinks with a thousand girls there's just one thing" 

Stella looked at me as she danced she must have recognized my voice. She continued to dance all over her new guy. And I continued singing as I looked away "I can't go anywhere, I can't do anything No I can't close my eyes without you in my dreams you won't leave me alone even though I know you're gone I looked around for someone new but I see you jumpin up there with the band taking me by the hand hey boy come dance with me stuck like a melody in my head in the bed of my truck by the light of the midnight moon baby I see you. Don't know what you did but you done it good you don't know how bad that I wish I could delete you from my phone find a girl and take her home but there just one thing wrong" she looked at me as she danced her eyes never moving from me. 

I continued to sing "I can't go anywhere, I can't do anything No I can't close my eyes without you in my dreams you won't leave me alone even though I know you're gone I looked around for someone new but I see you jumpin up there with the band taking me by the hand hey boy come dance with me stuck like a melody in my head in the bed of my truck by the light of the midnight moon baby I see you. You're lips your eyes girl since you told me goodbye I can't go anywhere, I can't do anything No I can't close my eyes without you in my dreams you won't leave me alone even though I know you're gone I looked around for someone new but I see you jumpin up there with the band taking me by the hand hey boy come dance with me stuck like a melody in my head in the bed of my truck by the light of the midnight moon baby I see you Baby I see you Baby I see you" 

I walked off the stage when I finished singing and I found my way to the kitchen I found a solo cup and took a bottle of water and poured it into the cup I wanted to seem cool. A guy walked in laughing and saying to his buddy "Yeah and that Stella chick is so falling for me.. GOD I need to break up with her" 

The other guy started laughing and said "That's not what she told me"

"Oh and what did she tell you"

"She came here to break up with you dude she's says you're the worst boyfriend she ever had"

"Me really worst how rude I'm so hurt" he joked.

"Ha but hey dude why are you breaking up with her she seems cool" 

"She is looking for a relationship bro I don't want one" I turn to them rolling my eyes and laughing at their stupidity. 

"Hey dude are you laughing and rolling your eyes at us?"

"What does it matter to you guys?" I snapped at them.

"Well we want to know if we are going to have a problem here" the tall one said as they both circled my chair boxing me in. I glared at them and started laughing.

When I got myself together saying "Because you guys are complete idiots" I toke a drink of my water.

"How so?" the short one asked.

"Miss out on a girl like Stella" I told them.

"How do you know Stella?" 

"What does it matter?"

"Whatever he is obviously drunk Roger let's just forget about him.. Who even knows if we are taking about the same Stella" the short one said. They both walked away leaving me alone in the kitchen.

*25 Minutes Later*

I walked back into the party once the couples started to make their way to the kitchen. I had to get out of there it was getting pretty gross in there. GOD is this how high school parties were?

A really random girl grabbed me and we started dancing but then I walked away from her after like 5 minutes of dancing with her. Her boyfriend came back. They were both really drunk to even tell the differences between me and him. Which was just plain sad. How could you not tell the differences?


Author's Note

I See You by Luke Bryan is like my song right now lol It so beautifully written and so worked out for the Stella and Hunter moment. So yay.

How is everyone liking the story so far? I hope you all are loving it. 

Thanks everyone for reading chapter 57 I see you and partying :) <3 Thanks again :) <3 ;) 

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now