Chapter 124- ForTheLoveOfHayesIsAHit

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Stella's P.O.V.

"Hey Guys so what is this like episode 300 of ForTheLoveOfHayes that's so awesome. OH hey speaking of awesome listen to this I was invited to Vidcon that's awesome you all voted for me and know I'm going how cool is that?? Well anyway I just wanted to say hi"

Hunter walked out of the bedroom shirt less and he looked over at me saying "Hey baby what are doing?"

"Recording go put some clothes on" 

"Crap you better be erasing that" he went out of the camera view. 

"Nope Hunter I'm not besides its about time Hayniac's get to see something" I heard him sigh and the door bell ranged "Hunter get that won't you?" he sighed again then he walked to the door really fast and I winked at the camera he opened the front door. 

"Hey you want to switch family members today?" Hunter asked and I looked over to see Violet standing there with Stanley. 

"Oh hey Violet come say hi... I have a YouTube channel so come say hello to all the watchers who are stalking me"

Hunter walked past us saying "It's called a fangirl or fanboy not stalker don't be mean" he walked out of the room and up the stairs.

"Did you just get Hunter shirtless?" Vi asked me.

"Yes yes I did... Well anyways everyone this is my best friend from beyond preschool isn't she pretty? Violet say hello."

"Hey guys... Also hello my little people" she looked down at my stomach. "I got to go now thanks so much for watching Stanley"

"You're welcome Vi have fun at work"

"I'll try girlfriend but no promises"

"Bye you guys" she screamed and Stanley came walking into the front room. He was holding Hunter's hand and holding a tooth brush in the other hand. Hunter was brushing his teeth and he had a shirt on now.

"So yeah this is just you know an average Tuesday morning you know just brushing our teeth at 2:20 AM you know don't all normal people get up this early?...  I never go to bed until 3 AM you know then I don't get up till 7 AM"

"Alright bye my little Stanley" Vi gave him a kiss. "Be good now for Uncle Hunter and Aunty Stella alright?" he shook his head yes. "Thanks Hunter" she touched his arm and smiled "Bye love you guys" she walked out our house closing the door behind her. 

"So yeah this is mine and Hunter's little nephew his name is Stanley... Come here Stanley please" he came to the camera and he put his eye to it. "And that's his eye alright go play with Cole he's been waiting for you" 

"Cole Stanley is here" Hunter screamed. Cole ran into the room and so did Coke Cola and they circled him and sat down at his feet Stanley sat in the middle petting them both he was full of smiles. 

"Oh Hunter we should probably say our announcement"    

"What announcement?" he asked. I gave him a look. "Oh that I forgot sorry Ariel it's too early to be thinking without coffee..... But yeah we can" he sat down next to me at the kitchen table.

"Alright well we found out a while ago that we were pregnant well I'm pregnant he just helped"

"I did?"

"Shut up you" I told him laughing. 

"So yeah what better way to announce this.... Just watch 6 hours from now this is going to be everywhere" Hunter said smiling a bit I could tell he was tired.

"Oh what if it's on TMZ man I love that show"

"You only like that show because you like yelling at them"

"No that's the news Hunter"

"Whatever but yeah that that's now can I go to bed?" he asked me.

"Yeah go ahead but take Stanley with you"

"Ugh fine but he sleeps on your side and you Cole share the middle Stanley likes to kick me in my face all the time"

"That's fine Hunter we'll stick him with Cole" 

"Come on Stanley bedtime" Hunter told him.

"Again Uncle Hunter?" Stanley asked.

"Yeah let's go you know the rules you sleep in till 7 let's go" Hunter picked him up and they walked up stairs. 

"Well yeah these are Tuesday's morning man so now you all know." I stood up "Alright yeah that's the end of this episode I'm tired thanks for watching..... Hey Hunter how do you turn the cam off?" 

"Man I don't know call Sammy he knows all that."

"It's like 3 AM I'm not calling him"

"He's up anyways"

"No he ain't crazy people are up this early"

"Are you calling me crazy?" he asked coming down the stairs.

"Yeah but your the good kind of crazy I want your crazy" I told him and he rolled his eyes smiling.

"Oh hey is that the button?" he took out his cell phone and called Sam "Yeah Sammy hey... Yes I know what a clock is and how to read it I know what time it is... Hey don't hang up........... Whoa no need for the kind of language this is serious how do you stop my cam? Oh and tell Max I say hello .... Alright huh huh huh oh and what button is that?...... The glowing one Sammy they're all glowing... hmmmm oh I see it now and that's all .... yeah? Alright thanks night.. I just need to click thi-" 

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now