Chapter 98- Trying To Keep My Cool Because Love Doesn't Know What Distance Is

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Hunter's P.O.V.

"Hey Stella!"

"Hey Hun... What's up?"

"Nothing really I'm just tired"

"You do look tired I'm sorry baby... What only like 4 more months though which is awesome I can't wait to see you" 

"Yup me too .... Then I have a month off and then back for touring for like a month or two"

"Wait what this is new.."

"Yeah it is my people told me that this morning" I could see her rolling her eyes she wasn't very happy. 

"Seriously?" she asked. 

"Yeah" I quietly told her. 

"I don't know why you can't just stay home" she groaned angrily at me. 

"I know I'm sorry baby...... But I asked for more tour dates... I have no idea why they added me so many so close together like that.. That's so not what I meant"

"Wait you asked for more tour dates?"

"Yeah but I meant it as farther apart from each other" she hung up on me. Why did she hang up on me?  I called her again she picked up and I asked "Why did you hang up on me?"

"Because I'm mad at you"

"Wait what did I say" 

She gave me a fake smile saying "Nothing I'm supposed to support you no matter... Right... You know what I'm fine.." It finally hit me she was mad about the tour dates. She never just comes out and tells me she's mad about my music because she's afraid we'll break up again if she says something to me about it so she just says she's fine when she's not ..... typical girl.

"Baby the tour isn't that long just a couple more months again"

"Sure it's alright"

"Ariel are you alright?"

"I just wish you weren't always working"

"I'm not always working" I told her.

"Yeah you are Hunter..." she sighed and then continued "You're mind is always working musical chairs.... I know that's just you"

"Please Ariel don't be mad"

"I'm not I'm alright"

"Yes you are I know you"

"I'm not mad I'm just a bit sad"

"Please don't be sad then"

"I got to go"

"Please don't go" I told her.

"Hunter my pizza is here it just rang the doorbell" 

I didn't hear anything she was lying to me "I didn't hear anything" I told her.

"Well I got to go before they ring the door because you know how they don't like to speak English I can't hear you and reask how much the pizza is"


"Good bye Hunter I love you"

"Love yo-" she hung up.

"She's pretty mad at you" I turned around to see Sammy standing in my door way. Whenever I'm on the phone talking to Stella Sam run's over too so he can talk to her or say goodnight or whatever. Just like me Stella is the closet to Sam then the others.

"Yeah she is" I told him with a little sigh. 

"She is correct about one thing though Hunter you are always working.... And you need to get that she'll get upset over that because she misses you... My girlfriend does the exact same thing to me all the time."

"Yeah I know"

"Maybe you should surprise her by trying extra hard for the 1st of January it might actually make her happy.. Especially to have that closer that neither of you are going anywhere would be a nice feeling...You got to show her that love doesn't know what distance is" he turned around and left the room shutting my door.

Sammy always has the best advice and somehow he always tries to relate it to one of our songs and it always works out for him. I turned to my phone and called up my manager "Hello?" she asked.

"Hey I need a day off so I want to cancel a show"

"Hunter no"

"Betsy please I really need this"

"We can't cancel a show you know how devastated your fans would be?" 

"I know but there is something I need to do"

"Like what?"

"Get married for starters" I told her.

"Hunter that can wait this is your job and that comes first"

"My job doesn't come first.."

"Yeah it does"

"Not anymore Betsy"

"Hunter you can't have the day off"

"You don't even know what day I'm talking about so how can you say I can't have the day off... Besides we can always reschedule who really wants an outdoors concert in the middle of winter in Maine?"

"So you must want the first off?"

"Yes please... Then we can reschedule the concert somewhere inside"

"I don't know....hmmmmm.... Really the arena is outside in Maine no wonder only 10 people bought tickets those people are crazy" I felt bad I don't like canceling concerts and disappointing people so either way I'll disappoint someone and it rather my fans then my wife to be because I have to live with her and I rather not have this held over my head for the rest of my life nor do I want her breaking up with me .... again..... "Do you really want to cancel the show Hunter?"

"Yes I do"

"I'll see what I can do then"

"But make sure you reschedule it... Inside"

"Alright I'll call you back Hunter" she sounded annoyed.... She's going to have to do a lot of paperwork and she doesn't like paper work especially when it involves me I annoy her. 

"Thanks bye" I told her. 

I just really hope I get the day off. 


Author's Note

Hi ya :) 

The picture above is an edit of mine pretty nice huh. It's one of my favorite I have done... so far :) 

Well anyway I thought it fit this chapter

Thanks for reading Chapter 98- Trying To Keep My Cool Because Love Doesn't Know What Distance Is 

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Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now